Anonymous ID: 273578 May 24, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.6578343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Armed police have begun going door-to-door to gun owners’ places of business, their homes, and even gun ranges in New Zealand “in an attempt to gather information and get gun owners to relinquish their firearms,” and the authoritarian tactics have already resulted in one gun owner’s death, according to local reports.


If you want to know what tyranny looks like in a left-wing “democracy,” turn your gaze towards New Zealand, where liberal tolerance and acceptance has been replaced by anti-gun zealotry and authoritarianism, thanks to a single act of violence by a foreign man who had no connection to the country.


Following Brenton Tarrant’s attack on two mosques earlier this month, the New Zealand prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, and her left-wing government wasted no time in stating that an entire class of firearms that were previously legal to own were suddenly illegal to own.


“Assault” weapons of the type used by Tarrant during his attack have no place in a civil society, you see, even if 99.999 percent of them are owned by law-abiding people and used responsibly.


As such, they must all be confiscated because getting rid of them will also stop future acts of violence and terrorism. Or so New Zealanders have been told.


Natural News reports: But what if the act of getting rid of these guns actually causes more violence and death?


The Truth About Guns is reporting that, according to the country’s biggest firearms forum, Kiwi cops are now going door-to-door to gun owners’ places of business, their homes, and even gun ranges “in an attempt to gather information and get gun owners to relinquish their firearms.”


Pay attention, Americans — because even if you don’t own a gun, these are tactics tyrannical leftists will employ to force us all to live a certain way if they are ever empowered enough.


According to screenshots of the firearms forum, one gun owner is already dead.