Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6579275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298

Package Bomb Explodes in Lyon, France – 8 People Injured


France – A package bomb exploded in central Lyon Friday evening.


French President Emmanuel Macron called the explosion “an attack” after 8 people were wounded, including an 8-year-old girl, according to local officials.


The package bomb was filled with nails, screws and bolts.


Via Express UK:


Le Progres wrote: “According to our information, the package, filled with nails, screws and bolts, was laid in the street.”


The explosion took place approximately at 4.30pm BST (5.30pm local time) near the shop Brioche Doree, near number 16.


Emergency services rushed to the scene, including police, firefighters and “soldiers”, Le Progres wrote.

They said: “Sala Street is completely blocked by soldiers. Many fire engines are on site.”

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6579286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch: Sickly Nadler Passes Out During De Blasio Presser


Maybe he's tired from signing all of those subpoenas.


One day after Nancy Pelosi publicly questioned President Trump's mental health and suggested that his family should consider an 'intervention', Jerry Nadler - the chairman of the Judiciary Committee and point man for various Congressional investigations involving the president, staff from his 2016 campaign, and members of his administration - appeared to pass out during a press conference held by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.


Footage shot by NBC New York shows de Blasio stopping a press conference at P.S. 199 in the Upper West Side of Manhattan to come to Nadler's aid, offering the Congressman water, and remarking that he appeared to be dehydrated.


When de Blasio asked if he was okay, Nadler responded with a faint 'no'.


Nadler spokesman Daniel Schwartz told CNN that the congressman "is OK" and that he "seems to have been dehydrated and it was very warm in the room. He is now responsive and receiving a check-up."

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6579301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9328

Trump says 1500 US troops deploying to Middle East for ‘mostly protective’ purposes


US President Donald Trump has approved a deployment of 1,500 troops to the Middle East, apparently meant to deter what Washington calls an ongoing threat to US interests from Iran.


“It will be about 1,500 people,” Trump told reporters at the White House as he was leaving for a trip to Japan. “We want to have protection.”


The deployment will happen in the coming weeks, according to a copy of the announcement obtained by the Associated Press. The forces’ “primary responsibilities and activities” would be “defensive in nature,” it said.

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6579338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas congressman stalls $19 billion aid bill that was supported by Trump, cites lack of border funding


The bill will have to wait until the House reconvenes


Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) has stalled a $19 billion aid bill in the House of Representatives, until the House reconvenes in early June.

Here's what we know


The aid bill included $3 billion for farmers, $909 million in food benefits and other aid to Puerto Rico, and $3 billion was set aside to "rebuild our military bases and Coast Guard facilities."


After the bill overwhelmingly passed the Senate by a vote of 85 to 8 on Thursday, President Donald Trump tweeted that the bill had his "total approval." Before the bill passed, all money allocated for border security had been removed from it.


Congressional leaders tried to have it passed by unanimous consent of those members who were present on Friday morning. According to congressional rules, if a single member objects to this, the bill is blocked until the rest of the House returns.


Roy said that the bill needed to include funding for Trump's border policies, and the federal government was racking up too much debt. He told his congressional colleagues that the U.S. needed to "have a responsive and fiscally responsive approach to help people who are hurting in the wake of natural disasters" but that he did not want "to let the swamp continue to mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren."


He called it the "kind of swampy practice" that "Texans elected me to stand against."


"The people, particularly in Texas, but people generally, are tired of the swamp," Roy told the media after stalling the bill, "and this is a very swampy thing to do — have a vote on a Friday heading into Memorial Day weekend and after we recess, when we could have done our job yesterday when we had 435 members of Congress who should be here and should vote."


Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has called Roy's decision "sabotage."

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6579353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9484

Pakistan offers to be mediator between US and Iran as threat of large-scale conflict flares up


Pakistan has said it is ready to mediate between Washington and Tehran as Iran’s foreign minister arrived for talks in Islamabad amid growing tensions in the Middle East.


Islamabad is worried about the situation in the region as the US builds up its military presence in the Persian Gulf, but has indicated it’s not going to take sides in the intensifying conflict between Washington and Tehran.


“If required, Pakistan is ready to play a constructive and positive role in this regard,” Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson Mohammad Faisal said in a Thursday press briefing.


Earlier that day, the Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif arrived in Islamabad for talks with his Pakistani counterpart scheduled for Friday.


Faisal said that Pakistan stands against violent escalations and would like to avoid a large-scale conflict in the region: “Pakistan supports dialogue in all situations. If there is any problem, it should be resolved through peaceful dialogue and negotiations.”

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6579363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Finally! UK Prime Minister Theresa May Announces Resignation After Three-Year Brexit Failure


Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation from outside 10 Downing Street Friday morning, stating she would be officially stepping down in two weeks time.


Prime Minister Theresa May Announces Resignation

Will officially relinquish leadership of the Conservative Party in two weeks on June 7th

May will remain as Prime Minister until a new party leader is selected — possibly weeks or months in the future


In her remarks outside the Prime Minister’s official residence, Theresa May said she had “done her best”, and “everything I can” to deliver Brexit by negotiating a deal with the European Union, but conceded “sadly I was not able to do so”.


Saying it was time for a new Prime Minister to lead Brexit, Mrs May said she would be resigning as leader of the Conservative Party on Friday 7th of June, so that a successor could be chosen.


In doing so, the Prime Minister fires the starting gun on a leadership race that has already been run behind closed doors for weeks. The details of her departure mean Mrs May could remain party leader, and hence Prime Minister, for weeks if not months more.


While she will officially relinquish the title of Conservative party leader in 14 days, May revealed she would also be staying on Prime Minister until her replacement is selected, which depending on how the election runs. When Mrs May became leader following the resignation of David Cameron in the wake of the 2016 EU referendum, she was selected within days as other candidates dropped out to give her a clear run.


In the case of David Cameron’s own ascension to the leadership, it took five and a half months between it being announced, and the final selection.


UPDATE 1515 — Could a No Deal Brexit now be inevitable?


Well, that depends on who the next Prime Minister is — but people haven’t been slow in noticing that if whoever replaces Theresa May is an actual Brexiteer, there’s nothing the European Union or Parliament can do to stop them from executing the will of the British people by taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union.


As Breitbart London reports this afternoon, among those reaching that conclusion is the Spanish government, whose spokesman said after Theresa May’s announcement that: “The hard Brexit seems an almost impossible reality to stop… The Spanish government has contingency plans for all possible outcomes of the UK’s exit from Europe.”


The European Union welcomed the news by making clear they wouldn’t re-open Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement for a new leader, meaning whoever takes over is left either trying to sell a deeply unpopular deal they had no part in creating or taking Britain out of the European Union in full.

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6579378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9484

Migrant welcome centres blast Salvini for cutting off money – complain that kennels for dogs receive more money than they do


Italian pro-migrant associations which operate asylum reception centres have blasted populist Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini for cutting funding.

The associations complain that kennels for dogs are currently receiving more money than the migrant reception centres, Italian newspaper Il Giornale reports.

Fabio Scaltritti of the Community San Benedetto al Porto in Alessandria commented on the cuts saying: “In Italy a place in an animal shelter costs on average 20 euros with the addition of the cost of cans and biscuits.”

“The new rules imposed by the Salvini decree reduce the cost of receiving a human being to less than 20 euros a day: it means that we are equated with the keepers of a kennel and we do not want to be”, he added.

“It is not an economic question, but an ethical one”, Scaltritti said and noted: “Even if the figure had remained at 35 euros a day we would not have enough.”

Scaltritti claimed that the amounts per migrant per day they charge for drug addicts was 75 euros a day, 130 euros a day for minor migrants, and up to 250 euros for migrants with mental health issues.

Since coming to power as Interior Minister in 2018, Salvini has managed to reduce new illegal migrant arrivals by over 90 percent, which has also seen drownings in the Mediterranean decrease as well.

Not all of those running migrant reception centres have come out against Salvini. Earlier this year, the head of the largest migrant reception facility in Italy Francesco Magnano slammed open borders advocates saying an open border policy had “created slums scattered throughout the country“.

“In our country, there are 600,000 denials. People who have lost not only the right to reception, but have lost their status, they are zombies who live in our country”, he added.

Anonymous ID: 628a7a May 24, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6579400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9484

Judge Raises Serious Questions About Democrats’ Border Wall Lawsuit


A federal judge expressed deep skepticism over a lawsuit by House Democrats that seeks to cut funding for President Donald Trump’s border wall.


U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden questioned, during a three-hour court hearing Thursday, the legitimacy of a lawsuit that challenges the White House’s funding of border wall construction without explicit permission from Congress, The Wall Street Journal reported.


McFadden said the question of whether the House has legal standing in this case “is a significant issue.” Has the House “used all the tools at its disposal before rushing to court?” he said.


“There are other tools in your arsenal here, right?” McFadden asked.


The federal judge, a Trump appointee of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, said the judiciary should exercise prudence about wading into a fight between the two other branches of government.


McFadden’s comments are the latest developments in a court case that began in April when the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives voted to sue over Trump’s emergency declaration. That declaration, made in February, allowed him to tap billions more in border wall funding after Congress gave him far less money than he wanted.


Democrats have fiercely opposed funding for a border wall. The impasse even led to the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Both the House and Senate passed a resolution condemning Trump’s emergency declaration, but it failed after he vetoed it — the first veto of his presidency.


“The president’s sham emergency declaration and unlawful transfers of funds have undermined our democracy, contravening the vote of the bipartisan Congress, the will of the American people and the letter of the Constitution,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in April when the House voted in favor of the lawsuit.