Anonymous ID: 9aea38 May 24, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6578841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8946

How do you keep your mind clear?


A constant pushing back against the pressure of the world's bullshit is mandatory!


Rather than waste emotional energy on premature confrontation with zombies, prefer to create future dialogs, for when the changes become undeniable!



Hey normies!


Waking up is NOT about changing who you follow to find meaning in life but about reconnecting to the truth!


In an over mediated world where minds are clouded with demonic doubt that there can even be truth in this world, the wake- up call is to return to your base, come to your senses then use your mind to read between the facts and see the patterns producing them.


Autists know this out of the necessity of wading through all the lies just to find any peace!


Waking up is understanding one simple truth:

If you are not master of your body and its embedded mind, then someone (or something) else will be glad to possess your faculties!


Use them creatively or lose them, while others wait expectantly for your abdication of responsibility, to advance their game of pawns…


Possess yourself in the name of the Creator or someone or something else will!


Stop going along with the herd happy to be slaves, take back control of your life from the fantasy that ANYONE ELSE CARES, other than practical concerns about ownership and maintenance of property!


Within our own being is the One we have been waiting for, while distracted by deceivers leading you toward the final solution of the death cult.


When we know our own power is worth all efforts at understanding, because this power we were granted is what brought us here in the first place!


No responsibility == no mind


Passive conformity requires ONLY experience and a training effect, no more intelligent than machine learning!

Once you agree that you will conform to the social abstraction, the set of enslaving concepts common to all death cult management, any interference with or interruption of the hypnotic trance results in the pain of cognitive dissonance and possible punishment from the Matrix.


Your power to see will shrink down to the vision required to transit assholes looking for your next dopamine hit of social validation, standing proudly for your reward for being a good asset!


Wake up!

TIme to die! or Live, if you can switch over from your preferred brew of hate to pure love covfefe!