Anonymous ID: aea3d1 May 24, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6579304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469



I see everything in your decode, but exactly what are we supposed to do besides wait until tomorrow and remain focused on everything until our skills are useful in something that comes along?


Those that were chosen to disseminate are not doing it here, as logic should have told all a long time ago.


For many here, the idea of having to be "autistic" and become analytic deciphering machines so they can see the truth only draws out anger, since they KNOW already the enslavement that has been made out of their trust and money. Those anons demand the truth be public and in plain English on the public scale their time and labor and patience with bureaucracy double speak bullshit to yield the honesty that has been expected all along.


Then, you have anons here who simply don't hold the technical training and/or fluency with internet tools, sites, and capabilities so as to utilize them efficiently enough to further their own particular skillsets with those attributes. "Education" is not cheap, nor is it free with the ignorant disinformation and capitalist agenda behind the limitation of open access information….ALL anons here know the system and it's game quite well…that is the one thing we ALL share in common across the world right now. Anons in this category are simply staying on hand to watch, wait, dig, meme, pray…hoping that the future holds the changes necessary for them to be able to advance their REAL education without enslaving themselves for the knowledge. Those same anons know damn well that if the future doesn't hold that, being here is quite the same as NOT being here anyways…hard to go to sleep when you are woke, not because it requires effort, but because it is seen for what it all is..forced slavery which by doing they subject their family to the perpetuity of the system as well….


So, in closing, as I will only list those two types of anons since they are the only one's who have such capabilities possible to even think about diving into learning the comms that most likely don't exist until the very end since future proves past (that damn logic bug again), in closing I will say I am quite sure you mean well, and there is meat on that bone you brought to the table, and it makes even me want to dive right in there and decipher everything, but, this is a TEAM effort. The comms code is hidden and obviously under some type of orders not to be given but only to be seen by those who choose to do so…..


And right there was where the fuck up occurred….manipulation…..


You will find no anons here who desire to be told if they want the truth, they have to learn the code set up by those whom have the best technology in existence due to the very people they are holding the truth ransom from paying for it with their labor and taxes and getting slowly killed for it all in the end. Just saying…barking up the wrong tree with those particular expectations that are seemingly obvious within the demeanor with which you posted.


Personally, I myself would love to have had a larger part in all of this than I find myself capable of being when I am here, as I am sure many others do as well. But to remain sane and unaffected by the attempted manipulation, I simply do what I can and lean on others while realizing the value and necessity leaning on others really represents here in this movement….UNITY and TEAMWORK….


Rant over, ty anon. You, like others, taught me a few things as well.

Anonymous ID: aea3d1 May 24, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6579469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9500 >>9526



By the way, for those dedicated enough to have made it through all that, also know "logic" was actively prepared for in the beginning and pointed out as "the enemy" and the necessity of disinformation given to anons….


pic related…



Essentially, it has already been stated long ago logic is the enemy, and will actively be utilized so as to draw out actions by those targeted with the logic, just as the pic related describes with a clear example.


So, the REAL logical anons KNOW their limitations and realize that without the necessary skills only the TEAM can give as was given to them in the first place when selected along with the cold hard fact that the "enemy watches this board" as well, utilization of such logical prowess without the necessary skillset to speak in coded comms to attempt to learn enough to be of greater assistance to humanity's freedom, damage can be done without intention, as logic itself can give the enemy the very leg up they need to slap the whole world right back into the box they have kept it in for so long.


Logical enough for you?


Wouldn't it be more logical to assume that teaching anons FROM THE BEGGINING DROPS WHERE IT STARTS would be better than calling anons out for being this far into it and not knowing what YOU know? It is quite the grand assumption to believe that because you have the keys to the kingdom, those that don't are simply not trying. There are anons here that would put even Q and team to shame were they given access and training WITHOUT it costing them their freedom via bills, debt, etc……and believe me when I tell you, those anons KNOW that quite well and are PISSED, but have stayed here this long knowing that, knowing their capabilities, and HOPING for the change they KNOW will unleash their abilities for the world to learn themselves and benefit from.



Anonymous ID: aea3d1 May 24, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6579497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510 >>9524



I don't suppose anons bother looking at the timestamps of the posts Q answers and analyzes….


I noticed the replied to posts are non-existent in many of the recorded Q posts, but not questioning the process. Could understand a few good reasons as to why…


Just an observation and relay of what I see…



Maybe others do too :)