Anonymous ID: b74212 May 24, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.6578833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176




Anti-Trump Krassenstein brothers receive permanent Twitter ban


Twitter on Thursday permanently banned anti-Trump brothers Brian and Ed Krassenstein, stating the brothers had violated the site's terms of service by "operating multiple fake accounts" and "purchasing account interactions."


The Trump antagonists had large followings and were considered "resistance" figures to President Trump on the prominent social media platform. Ed Krassenstein had amassed more than 900,000 followers before the ban, while Brian Krassenstein had nearly 700,000 followers.


“The Twitter Rules apply to everyone,” a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement provided to The Hill. “Operating multiple fake accounts and purchasing account interactions are strictly prohibited. Engaging in these behaviors will result in permanent suspension from the service.”


The Krassensteins wrote in a response on their blog that they never engaged in the actions Twitter says they did in violating the site's terms of service.


“We NEVER, and we want to make this as clear as day, ever bought or sold ANY Twitter accounts or interactions. We swear on our graves that this is 100% true,” the Krassensteins wrote on Thursday night.


“We have long defended Twitter’s actions of banning and suspending users, and our stance still remains the same. Twitter, as a private company, has every right to ban whoever they choose, including us," they continued. "We would, however, appreciate that Twitter reviews our suspension and issues a correction in regards to their comments about us buying or selling Twitter accounts or interactions."


“This is 100% false, and if Twitter believes they have evidence to prove otherwise, we ask and encourage them to release these details to the media," they add. (KEK)


The Krassensteins admitted to operating other accounts but claimed they were used to monitor threats against themselves.


Several accounts belonging to political provocateurs have been banned in recent months, including conspiracy theorists Jacob Wohl and Alex Jones and far-right activist Laura Loomer, among others.

Anonymous ID: b74212 May 24, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6578994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9022 >>9052 >>9064


>New Comey



"Investigate whatever you wish about 2016 but don’t forget the people of the FBI must investigate and stop Russian efforts in the 2020 election. What impact will loose talk about “spying” and disgraceful talk about “treason” have on FBI agents and analysts?"

Anonymous ID: b74212 May 24, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6579110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9187

Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden Was ‘Stuffing His Pockets with Foreign Money’ While Dad Was Vice President

Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News, explained how Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son, consummated financial relationships with foreign states and oligarchs in China and Ukraine while his father “steered [foreign] policy” towards those two countries as vice president. He offered his analysis in a Saturday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Matt Boyle.

“Why were these foreign governments and these foreign corrupt oligarchs stuffing money into Hunter Biden’s pocket?” asked Schweizer. “That’s why I have called for Hunter Biden to testify before a Senate committee.”


Schweizer has repeatedly advised the Senate to call on Hunted Biden to testify about the origins and nature of his financial relationships with the government of China via the state-owned Bank of China and Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.


Schweizer said, “It’s a very simple question. There’s no evasion here. What were you being paid to do? How did these deals come about? The fact that you’re doing deals in China and Ukraine — which are precisely the countries that your father, as vice president, is point person on — is a very alarming thing that needs to be looked into.”

Anonymous ID: b74212 May 24, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6579157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9484

Cummings and Wife Deny Personal Benefit From Committee Position ― Still Won’t Turn Over Public Records

Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and his wife Maya Rockeymoore are denying that the couple benefitted from his position on the House Oversight Committee.


As IJR previously reported, Cummings and Rockeymoore faced ethical questions after a conservative watchdog group, the National Legal and Policy Center, dug through the paper trail of Rockeymoore’s businesses and found potentially illegal arrangments.


The National Legal and Policy Center filed an IRS complaint against Rockeymoore alleging that there is an illegal overlap between her non-profit charity and for-profit consulting firm. Rockeymoore’s consulting firm was given a million dollar federal contract, of which, her non-profit “served as the national program office.”


This could qualify as “self-dealing,” which is illegal.


The National Legal and Policy Center also outlined how businesses that had relationships with Cummings’ committee cut checks to Rockeymoore’s businesses — potentially creating a conflict of interest.


When the center requested the financial documents of Rockeymoore’s non-profit, she refused. Because non-profits receive special tax benefits, they are required by law to provide their finances to the public.


When the Washington Examiner — who first reported the IRS complaint against Rockeymoore — followed up with Rockeymoore to request the financial documents, they were also denied.


Instead of providing the public with transparency into the non-profit, Rockeymoore called the Examiner’s report a “hit piece” in an interview with Maryland Matters.


Cummings told the Washington Post the report was “a fabricated distraction from the important work being done on behalf of Americans, such as lowering the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs.”


Although the couple claims the story is a “fabricated distraction” and a “hit piece filled with faulty research,” Rockeymoore continues to prevent the legally mandated access to the non-profit’s finances — a move that could quickly clear the situation up.