Anonymous ID: ea6ffd May 24, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6579721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9849 >>9955 >>0080 >>0106 >>0257

Coalition Seeks to Expose Communist Infiltration of Democratic Party

Fantastic article names names of who's communist in the democrat party and how we are going to expose them…


WASHINGTON–A new group seeks to expose efforts by communists to take over the Democratic Party and, in so doing, help to drive them out.


Group member Trevor Loudon, who is also a contributor to The Epoch Times, announced on his website that with the launch of Stand Against Communism, this “takeover of the Democratic Party will be publicly exposed until the party takes firm action to remove these subversives from its ranks.”


At the launch event at the National Press Club on May 20, Stand Against Communism Chairman Bishop E.W. Jackson said it constituted “an ongoing effort, and we’re developing a strategy for addressing this particularly over the next two years leading up to 2020.”

“We’re going to use the spotlight of the presidential election to call attention to what these candidates stand for,” he said. A “strike force” working in early presidential nomination contest states with churches and Tea Party groups will inform the electorate about candidate backgrounds, and challenge the candidates directly to put them and “the whole apparatus” on the defensive.


For instance, “why hasn’t anybody challenged Bernie Sanders: What does socialism mean?” Jackson asked.


“When Bernie Sanders stands up and declares himself a ‘socialist,’” Jackson said, “we ought to all hear him saying, ‘I am a Communist.’” After all, Jackson argued, the CPUSA’s own stated goal is “to build socialism in the United States based on the revolutionary traditions and struggles of the people of our country.”


The problem is not limited to presidential candidates, Jackson said. Former FBI Director James Comey once revealed that politically he had “moved from Communist to whatever I am now.” Jackson asked, “How does a former Communist end up the head of the FBI?”


Likewise, Jackson noted, former CIA Director John Brennan has acknowledged he once voted for Communist Party USA (CPUSA) General Secretary Gus Hall for president, a candidate “who was being funded by the Soviet Union.”



“The Democratic Party has been infiltrated by socialists, Marxists, and outright communists at every level, from precinct chairman to multiple presidential candidates,” according to Loudon, author of “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.”


Full article:

Anonymous ID: ea6ffd May 24, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6579894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9936 >>9955 >>0106 >>0257

FBI Lawyer Squeals Like a Pig: Implicates Comey, McCabe, and Yates for Mishandling of FISA Warrant


On Monday Rep. Doug Collins released the remaining transcripts from the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation into decisions made at the DOJ and FBI to exonerate Hillary Clinton and spy on candidate Donald Trump.


Collins released transcripts on several FBI, DOJ officials including:


Trisha Anderson

William Sweeny

Loretta Lynch

James Kybicki

Andrew McCabe

George Toscas

Jonathan Moffa

John Giacalone

Sally Moyer

On Friday Redstate posted explosive segments from FBI Attorney Trisha Anderson’s testimony. The information first appeared in the Washington Examiner.


In her testimony, she alleges that the application process for the FISA warrant was handled in an “unusual” fashion and that numerous Obama era FBI officials were involved at the highest levels in pushing it through.


But Anderson stressed “in this particular case, I’m drawing a distinction because my boss and my boss’ boss had already reviewed and approved this application.” She emphasized “this one was handled a little bit differently in that sense, in that it received very high-level review and approvals — informal, oral approvals — before it ever came to me for signature.”


Normally, a FISA application would go to the legal department first to confirm that it is indeed proper to press forward with. In this case, top officials informally “approved” the application first, signaling to Anderson that her signature was just perfunctory.


Anderson said that FISA approvals are typically “tracked in a linear fashion” and that someone in the Senior Executive Service “is the final approver on hard copy before a FISA goes to the director or deputy director for signature.” She said the Page FISA was approved outside regular procedures.


“Because there were very high-level discussions that occurred about the FISA,” Anderson said she believed that meant “the FISA essentially had already been well-vetted all the way up through at least the Deputy Director [McCabe] level on our side and through the DAG [Yates] on the DOJ side.” Yates had already signed the application by the time it made it to Anderson’s desk.


… Anderson stressed that McCabe, Yates, and Baker all played key roles in reviewing the Page FISA. “My approval at that point was really purely administrative in nature. In other words, the substantive issues — the FISA had already substantively been approved by people much higher than me in the chain of command,” Anderson said.


Anderson said it “typically would not have been the case” that people such as McCabe and Yates would sign off on a FISA application before she did.


This testimony by FBI Attorney Trisha Anderson ought to keep several corrupt Obama officials up at night.

They may want to lawyer up.

Anonymous ID: ea6ffd May 24, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6580104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This will make your Friday!! To say the UK is thrilled with the resignation of May is a understatement!!


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9h9 hours ago


The nation reacts to Theresa May's resignation… 🤣

#Trexit #TrexitMeansTrexit #MayExit #MayResigns

Brexit Party Memes for Faragist Dreams ➡️