Anonymous ID: f171ff May 24, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6580049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0071 >>0076 >>0215

>>6579570 (/pb) - Video of Nadler "Confusion"


Anons, I don't think Nadler had a stroke in this video or that he was even dehydrated.


I am a doctor, but only a JURIS doctor. I'm not a medical doctor. I'm not yet a lawyer but I will be soon.


Anyway, I may be only a Juris Doctor, however in my life I have witnessed two people and one dog having strokes and I called for help in time to save all 3 stroke victims from irreparable injury. The stroke victims whom I saved were quite different from each other. Despite the stroke victims' different genders, ages, and even species, their tell-tale symptoms of a stroke were remarkably similar.


I've seen and helped the following stroke victims immediately after the onset of their symptoms:


  1. my 78 year old grandmother, Nanny, as she was sitting in her wheelchair, recovering from a broken ankle;


  1. Bill, my then-housemate's 50-something year old pal, as Bill sat in his pickup on a warm afternoon; and


  1. "Pooh," a tiny, 12 year old, Bichon Frise-Poodle mix who had a stroke in her elderly owner's apartment.


Now I realize that statistically, a "n" of only 3 is insignificant. Nevertheless, I want to share what I observed in Nanny, Bill, and "Pooh" as each one suffered a stroke:


All 3 stroke victims demonstrated unilateral weakness & paralysis. In other words, one side of all 3 of the bodies just quit working.


Also, all 3 stroke victims slumped over. None maintained two open eyes like Fat Nadler did in this video.


None was responsive.


None of my 3 stroke victims could have ever sipped from a container of liquid during each event.


Moreover, all 3 stroke victims drooled profusely while suffering their respective stokes.


None of the 3 could talk. Well, come to think of it, "Pooh" couldn't talk even before her stroke since she was a dog, so this symptom doesn't apply to her, lol.


But all three were markedly weak and only semi-conscious.


Fat Nadler looks fine, in this video, compared to how my 3 stroke victims appeared.


I suppose it's possible that Fat Nadler had a transient ischemic attack, i.e., a "mini-stroke,."


It's also possible that Fat Nadler was dehydrated, but that seems implausible to me.


The "dehydrated" excuse seems impossible in one whose appetite for food and drink is as voracious as Fat Nadler's is. He probably overate and over-drank today.


This makes me think perhaps Fat Nadler read something shocking.


Think "Bush Funeral" types of notes.


I'd be curious to know if we have video of what Fat Nadler was doing right before he wigged out. Was the fat bastard reading something, I wonder.


I'm guessing this is just Fat Nadler shitting his pants over some bad news, not a stroke or even dehydration.


The dehydration excuse sounds a bit too "Clintonesque" for me to believe, in light of my experiences saving the above-mentioned 3 stroke victims.


Just my two cents….

Anonymous ID: f171ff May 24, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6580202   🗄️.is 🔗kun



How do you know where we are, huh?


And don't you remember, asshole, that all of we patriots are clinging to God, our bibles, and our big, beautiful guns?


It doesn't matter if you know where we are, you pervert, because we are all carrying, 24/7.


You'd never make it out alive if you ever tracked us down and forced us to protect ourselves from imminent death or great bodily injury.


So fuck off, you sick, demented, bsby-killing pussy.


Shit, even my captcha wants you to fuck off.