Anonymous ID: 0254f5 May 24, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.6580446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is this a free beer Friday?


Logic and reading the panic from the collective tribe mind, we should be preparing for zombie recovery!


The real service that the knowledgable may do the willfully ignorant, when Revelation tears the hypnotic veil away!


Reading the comments on captured mind websites, the ONLY sign of self-esteem comes from owning someone in the Snark war!


Want to say to them:


"Chile, you are overrun with excess snark, inspired by the Snark Lord, not your personal mind!"


One reason for the rampant propaganda having such a profound impact is that the passive mind (suggestible to the max!) only tracks the energy flow of the liars and if they maintain their haughty arrogance all the way through the delivery of the lie, it is perceived as true!


IOW, those narcissists, psychopaths and their minion wannabes, who can lie so convincingly, since they are HEARTLESS, are perceived by the deceived as telling the truth!


Feelers of “feelz”, all fully-in-their-subjectivity females and emotionally castrated beta males, have TRAINED THEMSELVES, through a lifetime of observing not real life but MEDIATED narratives, to BELIEVE what the actor sells.


Suspending disbelief is turning off higher mental activity in order to go into the hypnotic trance which sells the narrative and escapes reality without immediately fatal consequences!


Train people to get their information through a human mediated, industrial entrainment machine and it becomes TRIVIAL to lie to their faces, using demon-possessed talking heads and even elicit admiration from the zombified humanimal assets for the skill which their masters demonstrate!


We who feel their HEARTS, not the trickle of virtuous sentimentality which PASSES FOR FEELS, must bring out our compassion for those who have been in a trance and willfully avoided their many wake-up calls.


Hate the mental tyranny, NOT those caught up in it!