Anonymous ID: 21a065 May 24, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.6580364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0601 >>0929 >>0956 >>0963 >>1059

Obama Appointees in the Communist Orbit


Obama choose Communists and Marxists for the highest, most powerful positions in our land, including his closest political advisors, and his head of the CIA. These facts are not in dispute. Most are openly admitted by the people in question, as necessary damage control. Our press chooses not to report them.


James Comey

“I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”


John Brennan

Brennan (who was sworn in as CIA director on a draft of the US Constitution, without the Bill of Rights, instead of a Bible) said that while he had voted Communist, he wasn't an official member of the Communist Party - and was relieved that he had been accepted into the CIA.


Barack Hussein Obama

His Kenyan father was a communist, who met Obama’s mother, a radical leftist, in a Russian language class. Stanley Dunham, Obama’s white grandfather, chose a notorious member of the Communist Party to be Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

Obama wrote in his memoir that in college, he sought out Marxist professors. A Marxist student at Occidental College, John Drew, confirms that Obama was a revolutionary Marxist in college.


Valerie Jarrett

“Her late father, James E. Bowman.. was involved with communist front groups and was in contact with a paid Soviet agent in the 1950s who was wanted for espionage. Jarrett's maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon Taylor, was investigated by the FBI for his membership in communist groups and his business relationship with the same Soviet agent …Her late father-in-law, Vernon D. Jarrett, was assigned by the Communist Party USA to a special cultural arts cell …he was flagged by the FBI as an internal security risk to be swiftly arrested in the event of a hot war with the Soviet Union. The FBI also investigated his wife, Fernetta "Fern" Jarrett, for communist activities.”


David Axelrod

His mother worked for a communist newspaper. His father, according to Axelrod in his memoir, “listed his party affiliation as ‘Communist.’ Axelrod got his start in Chicago politics through working for hardline Stalinist Soviet agents Harry and David Canter.


Susan Rice

Rice wrote a 426-page dissertation praising, as “a model and a masterpiece in the evolution of international peacekeeping,” … the political ascendancy of Zimbabwe’s Marxist dictator, Robert Mugabe. In her dissertation, Rice lauded Mugabe as a “pragmatic, intelligent, sensible, gentle, balanced man” who possessed considerable “patience and restraint.”


David Maraniss

The Washington Post journalist chosen to write Obama’s biography, which covered up Obama’s radical past, was also a red diaper baby. He father was a member of the Communist Party and worked through a cell in Detroit to secretly influence workers through his articles for the Detroit Times.


Frank Marshall Davis

The biggest influence on Obama’s black identity from age ten through college years, was a card-carrying member of the Communist party.


Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Obama’s pastor and personal hero and mentor, was an avowed Marxist. His church congregants had to sign a pledge to support redistribution of wealth and reject ‘middleclassness.’


'''Is it any surprise that collusion with Russia, according to Victor David Hanson, was a feature of the Obama presidency?

The Obama administration colluded with Rusian agents who produced the Steele Dossier. It was paid for by Clinton, but it was Obama’s minions at the FBI, CIA and White House who weaponized this soviet disinformation against President Trump.

We are all victims of the Obama cabal’s collusion with Russia – President Trump’s voters and all Americans who believe in our free and fair election process.'''


Noice synopsis for red-pilling over long weekend?

Anonymous ID: 21a065 May 24, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6580429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0601 >>0786 >>0929 >>0963 >>1059

DNC boss says candidates to be involved in debate lottery


Democratic candidates for president or their representatives will be involved when the Democratic National Committee does a lottery to determine who stands on stage during the party’s initial two-day debate, DNC chairman Tom Perez told The Hill in an exclusive interview.

Perez said the DNC hadn’t determined the “precise methodology” for the random draw yet, but he said the process would be transparent and the candidates or their representatives would be involved.


“We’ll certainly make sure we do it in a way that is transparent for all of the candidates involved because obviously we want them to see for themselves that we meant what we said,” Perez said, seated on a brown leather couch in his DNC office overlooking South Capitol Street.

Perez, a former civil rights lawyer in President Obama’s Justice Department, is tasked with managing a process that involves two dozen Democratic presidential candidates, the most by far in recent history.


I'm sure it will be fair and transparent, kek!

Anonymous ID: 21a065 May 24, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6580627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0631




20 Jun 2018 - 11:06:05 AM

They want you DIVIDED!

They call us names.

They make threats.

They censor.

They lie.

They project.

They cheat.

They steal.

They harm.

They are sick.

They are evil.

At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.


Anonymous ID: 21a065 May 24, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6580798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0837

Another Camp Fire victim identified


OROVILLE — Butte County Sheriff’s Office released the name of another victim of the Camp Fire.

The sheriff’s office said Ethel Riggs, 96, of Paradise has been positively identified, according to a Friday press release.

The fatality count from the Nov. 8 Camp Fire stands at 85, according to the department. Of the 85, 75 individuals have been positively identified, and eight have been tentatively identified.

There are two remaining unknown individuals, according to the sheriff.


RIP. Poor thing. So many old people trapped in the fire, unable to escape. Pray for Justice. This should never happen to another community.

Anonymous ID: 21a065 May 24, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.6580943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0959

Anons, does this cnn article sound bizarre to you?


Man says an intruder broke into his house, cleaned it and left


A Boston area man came home from work with his son to find something amiss.

He thought that maybe they had been robbed. But upon further inspection, he discovered that nothing was missing and his home was sparkling clean.

Nate Roman lives in a single-family home in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Roman tells CNN he left for work the morning of May 15 and came home from picking up his son to find his door was unlocked.

"[My son said], 'Dad! The door is unlocked.' Which I have done once every blue moon and didn't think anything of it. But when we walked in immediately there was a vibe that something was wrong in the house."

He realized that someone may have been in his home because a door he normally keeps open was firmly shut. Roman then went upstairs to check the rest of the house.

He discovered his son's room, which was a wreck when they left that morning, was neat as a pin. He found his room in the same pristine condition.

The son's room, messy in the morning, was found neat and clean.

"Rugs were vacuumed, everything was neat and put away," Roman said.


He immediately called the police, and they took the incident very seriously. They cleared the house to make sure no one was still there.

Police told CNN affiliate WBZ-TV that they spoke with the neighbors and no one saw anything suspicious. There are no suspects.

"No crime happened, nothing was missing or damaged, so the police have very little to go on," Roman said.

The security system was also not set so cameras that would be activated when the alarm goes off did not get images of the intruder. The time stamp on the door sensors indicated that whoever it was stayed in the house for about 90 minutes.


Later, he discovered roses made from toilet paper in the bathroom, a detail that made him realize this was probably the work of a professional. His theory is that a cleaning service came to the wrong address, but his kitchen was untouched which makes him second guess his suspicion.

He has since changed his locks and admits that he is still opening cabinets very carefully in case something unexpected was left behind.

Roman is hoping to move past the ordeal, but he did keep the toilet paper roses as a souvenir.



11 Apr 2018 - 4:11:13 PM

“A clean [H]ouse is very important.”


Anonymous ID: 21a065 May 24, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6581004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Obama's press secretary decorates home with Soviet propaganda


White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and his family are featured in a worshipful profile in this month's Washingtonian magazine.

But keen observers may notice the kitchen decor in the photo: Soviet propaganda posters. They really are the perfect pop of color whether you are the dour and sincere Nikita Khrushchev or the cheeky press-wrangler for a president who is constantly accused of being a socialist himself. –Michael Brendan Dougherty