Anonymous ID: 5ee9c1 May 24, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6580673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Martin Geddes wrote a Great synopsis. Worth a read.


Here’s a few paragraphs…


The initial scandal will focus on the attempt to unseat President Trump, and will likely include the revelation of assassination plots. All of the candidates for the 2016 election were being spied upon. President Obama (who is not who he superficially appears to be) was actively engaged in treasonous activity against the incoming Trump administration. The evils of his era, and those before it, are soon going to lead to war crimes trials.


All of the central traitors — like Clapper, Ohr, Strzok, Brennan, McCabe — face the mandatory death penalty as a result of their high treason. The last two years have been one vast trapping operation to catch all these criminals in the act during their cover-up, and to clean up the justice system to process them. There have been legal teams working in total secrecy for the last two years preparing for this spectacular public take-down of the gangsters in government. Expect Huber, Horowitz and Durham to provide us with a constant supply of shocking reports and high-level indictments.


Behind Obama is a global system of criminal "dark power" that is going to be exposed. This comes under many names, with #DeepState being the most common. Its roots, methods and crimes are simply mind-blowing. Hillary Clinton was their official corrupt candidate for 2016, and as Q keeps reminding us "they never thought she would lose". That is because voter fraud and election rigging — involving governments in other countries like the UK — is endemic. The 2018 House election was also fraudulent, and the exposure of FISA fraud will result in the legitimacy of that election to be called into doubt.