Anonymous ID: 704a6b May 24, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.6580442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0456 >>0485 >>0508 >>0551 >>0652


UK anon here, so there is sauce.

I was ready to believe it was bollocks and I am amazed the army even went here given what it will do in terms of trust. IE fuck all good.

Well given the situation here and the history of army and traditions that it rests on in the UK I can absolutely guarantee that nobody that I know who is a serving member of the Army in the UK will have the slightest bit if issue with the fact that they are patriotic, have massive issues with isn't lam ( it never Islam is it?) and will not see this as anything other than the political apparatchiks trying to foist their fucked up version of 'who we fight' onto serving UK patriot's who enter the military for crown, country and community. This shit will only serve to send the army rank and file even further into a mutinous silence and sense of betrayal by the powers that the working class are seeking to end via the ballot and a semi silent movement of pressure. WWG1WGA love from a UK patriot Mrs Anon

Anonymous ID: 704a6b May 24, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6580485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0604


Our Army is working class UK people, this explains why the EU are so desperate to create a supressing EU army that can be sent to any dissatisfied EU country. THIS is what we are fighting as Brexiteers. We NEED you US anons to support us in our fight against a federal Europe that wants to take down Trump and our strength as allies. We just sent a landslide victory to a newly formed Brexit party into the EU via our vote. We need support and we need you US anons to catch on to how we are supporting your bid for freedom with ours. Watch our press and ask us questions, we are following your guy too and you.

Anonymous ID: 704a6b May 24, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6580531   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Our Royals are a bunch of globalist puppets hanging on the coat tails of a federal Europe, It was not too long ago that they were meeting with the Nazis and now they are Junker and Merkels friends. Don't get me wrong we like out traditions, but the royals have always been something of a flip flop in the UK. They have always seen themselves as 'beyond' the petty problems of the common realm and our Royals are quintessentially Saxe Coburg ie German. As for 'Archie' he lives, which is more than can be said for babies who are not getting NHS treatment that could save their lives because 'too costly' according to our 30 odd billion spending on foreign aid government.

Anonymous ID: 704a6b May 24, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.6580578   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could not agree more anon. It is the egregious sense of absolute righteousness and ideological force that is going to tip that boat upside down. The British Army is literally made up of Welsh Scottish Irish and English families standing on each others shoulders through history. There are family histories of service and the battalions all have a massive history of service. This shitty little table is going to serve to make things VERY CLEAR for serving personnel who already have an unhappy issue with our government and the EU agenda. As you said 'shit show'

Anonymous ID: 704a6b May 24, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6580611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q posted Mayday.

May is now out after being a massive roadblock to Brexit and any meaningful work with your POTUS. Many of us are happy about this in the UK and by many I mean the over half who voted to leave the EU.