Anonymous ID: 97baf9 May 24, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6580677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0718

House Judiciary Chairman Nadler Falls Ill at Mayor de Blasio Event in Manhattan


Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler appeared weak and on the verge of passing out at a presser held by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Friday morning in Manhattan.

The mayor is speaking – and then there's a sudden commotion. De Blasio and others move to help an extremely pale Nadler as he sits, a ghost-like look on his face, in the chairs at P.S. 199 on the Upper West Side.

Nadler had given remarks at an event about speed enforcement cameras in school zones when he slumped in his chair. At one point, video shows de Blasio offer a drink from his water bottle to Nadler and tell him he looks a bit dehydrated.


When de Blasio asks Nadler if he is OK, Nadler can be heard responding with a faint "no" before putting his hand over his face. Moments later he seemed to recover a bit and was able to speak; the Democrat was given water to drink and an orange to eat as de Blasio cleared the school gym to assist in the response.

Nadler was then wheeled out on a stretcher to an ambulance that backed up into an alley behind the school. De Blasio was seen by his side, escorting Nadler to the ambulance.


In a statement, Nadler's spokesperson said, "He is okay. Seems to have been dehydrated and it was very warm in the room. He is now responsive and receiving a check-up."–510382851.html


Powerful Dem Chairman Jerry Nadler has health scare at New York event


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler had to receive medical attention Friday after a health scare at an event in New York City.


Despite reports that the powerful New York Democrat appeared to pass out, his office said he merely felt ill but did not faint. A spokesman for Nadler told Fox News that the congressman is “okay” and “seems to have been dehydrated,” describing the room as “very warm.”


Nadler, 71, was speaking at a press conference on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, alongside 2020 Democratic hopeful New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, when the incident happened. De Blasio could be seen checking on him and patting him on the shoulder, as someone brought over a glass of water.


Fox News is told the congressman was being taken to a hospital in an ambulance.


“He is now responsive and receiving a check-up,” a spokesman told Fox News.


Nadler’s office noted that he was sitting down, so he “did not faint or anything.”

Anonymous ID: 97baf9 May 24, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6580705   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Possibly…. He has been over weight for a long time. Hes a walking heart attack anyway. This could be real with the stress of declass his heart it probably working pretty hard. Declass = DS stresser. IM sure more rats are going to act out.