Anonymous ID: ec3c7d May 24, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6580668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I wonder what it would take to get Toriyama-sensei to make a SSJ Trump…


Now… is that Trump with M0AR glorious hair, or is it Goku with a The Trump?

Anonymous ID: ec3c7d May 24, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.6580760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0770 >>0780 >>0811 >>0850

A Princess Diana moment! Melania battles the wind ahead of her flight to Japan, as she pays tribute to American culture in a $3,900 Calvin Klein dress featuring postcards of the West

Hmmmm…. I wonder what thaaaat meeeeans…


Melania's Dress is pic related.


What do you see?

I'm seein':

Red Flag (and a lifeguard… float…ing… device? It's obscured. A kayak? A board?)

Palm trees that look like Mickey Mouse

Water… Desert…


You can view it closer up here:

Anonymous ID: ec3c7d May 24, 2019, 2:48 p.m. No.6580955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0970 >>1021 >>1126


Hi… sweetheart?

"Where does God live?"

-Reality? No… you can get drunk and alter it. This is more of a "perception" thing… not firm enough to be the ultimate residence of The Divine.


-How about the Universe? This supposes there is a space outside of the Universe, but still within Existence.

-Fuck it. The Multiverse(s)! But wait… Our "God"… is that the same god for each universe? But then you're just playing with infinities. Infinite variants of each universe, timeline, reality… and then for each infinitesimal, there are infinite variants of how God would represent Its Self, and infinite variants of how they go about the infinitesimals… And up and down and up and down… it's not really a pinpoint, if you will.


-So what about Existence itself? I believe you're mistaking the physical plane and the dimensions higher, lower, and alternate dimension for Existence.


So which came first?

Was there Existence for God to Become/Be into/in? If yes, then God didn't create it.

If God is "outside of Existence", what would that mean? Even in Heaven and Hell, you existence.

Outside of an Act of God, you exist eternally… in the "past", but then you're just a point on a peg board since "time" doesn't operate as you know it in the higher dimensions.

But then we would still either be talking about Objective Existence that includes God and "existence(s)", and you're not out of the Russian Doll, or saying God "does not exist".

(Don't get offended, it's just titular hair splitting and semantics how the usage of "existence" at that point. Not saying "God doesn't real".)


So here's the kicker… where does Existence reside?

In what "space" does it "operate".

But if it's the "tip top, tippy top", then we still need to resolve the problem… which can be done quite easily.


"God is Self-Creating/Manifesting, is the Standard of Existence, and thus did and did not Create/Manifest Existence."



Anonymous ID: ec3c7d May 24, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.6580967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1009


Wew lad… you intentionally left out the part about all this happening in God's Mind.


But hey… that seems "real" and "physical" to you, right?

An awful lot like The Matrix… when ya think about it.

How do you get out?

How do you become a Real Boy?