Anonymous ID: 90c15f May 24, 2019, 3:45 p.m. No.6581423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1436 >>1866

When I think of truly evil people who revel & thrill & excite in orchestrating death and misery among throngs of good people…

When I look at photos of "Chop-Chop Square" and see women buried in sand up to their necks and men delight in throwing stones at their heads… while men get their hands & arms cut off and then their limbs are shoved in vats of boiling oil to cauterize the blood & flesh…

When I think of the Podestas putting small children in cages (as in their prized paintings) to be taunted & terrorized by hideous creatures, so as to raise their adrenaline levels…

When I think of the people in Washington D.C. who know of & participate in capturing & enslaving children and protecting themselves and those like Hillary Clinton & Adam Schiff & Valerie Jarret who worship Satan and have demonic practices…

When I think of only a few of the Evil Deeds these people do, with 0 Zero 0 thought to the harm it causes others…

Honestly, I do understand that My Lord is the Ultimate Judge ~ ~ ~

Yet, I find myself searching for an ounce of sympathy within my being when bad things happen to bad people.

