Anonymous ID: 2fc1c8 May 24, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.6582212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Little guide to jewish names:


  • If it sounds like a city in Europe like Frankfurter, Berliner, Landauer, Salzburger, Wiener (in diaspora this is useful because you do not have to make many words about where you come from)


  • If it is the name of a color translated from German like Green (Grün), Brown (Braun), Gelb, White (Weiss), Black (Schwarz) / + composita (Blackstone =Schwarz + Stein)


  • If you can translate the name back to german/english like Livingstone (Lebstein in ger.), Zuckerberg (Sugarmountain in engl.), Rubinstein (Ruby stone)


  • If it emulates the german pronounciation in English like Levenshtein ("shtein" pronounced in english like "stein" pronounced in German), or …steen


  • If name ends with …man like Krugman, Salzman, Lipman, Lederman, Veltman


  • If it has a transcription of german "Umlauts" like Koenig (König in ger.), Kroemer, Moerner (bc it is writable on diaspora keyboards, on querty there is no äöü)


This is just for german based names. Consider it as a hint, not a rule. There are many others from the east. Jiddish is based on german language, knowing german helps, think international. This does not covers names from the east wich are different (Lansky, Horowitz etc.)


The more you know…