Anonymous ID: 793240 May 24, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.6581996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243 >>2420 >>2616

Missouri Becomes Third State to Enact Pro-Life Abortion Ban


Missouri Gov. Mike Parsons Friday signed into law a bill that bans most abortions, following suit with Georgia and Alabama.


According to several sources, the law, set to go into effect on Aug. 28, bans abortions after eight weeks, and has no exceptions for rape or incest.


The bill is part of a larger trend of state’s legislating to protect the sanctity of life. Last week, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a similar law into effect in her state. Alabama’s pro-life legislation was met with fierce backlash from the political left, with figures like former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden calling for the reversal of the law.


Georgia was the first state to enact such legislation to protect the unborn, when Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law a “heartbeat bill,” banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, shortly after the time period in which a baby’s heart begins beating.


Big League Politics reported:


The governor of Georgia kept his promise to sign a pro-life bill into law, signaling significant support for the pro-life community.


Gov. Brian Kemp signed the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act, passed in both chambers of the Georgia Congress, which “will prohibit abortions in the state after a heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy,” according to Fox News.


The law is nicknamed “the heartbeat bill” because it bans abortions after a baby’s heart begins to beat. There are exceptions for cases of rape, incest, and if the mother’s life is in danger.


“Georgia is a state that values life,” Kemp reportedly said just before signing the bill. “We stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves.”


All three states to pass pro-life laws have Republican majorities in both chambers of their respective Congresses, and a Republican governor.

Anonymous ID: 793240 May 24, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.6582058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243 >>2420 >>2616

U.S. Cardinal Burke: To Oppose ‘Large-Scale Muslim Immigration’ is Patriotic


Also cites book "No-Go Zones" which records same in US (see below).


In contrast to the largely open border views of Pope Francis and other liberals at the Vatican, U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke said that resisting large-scale Muslim immigration "is the responsible exercise of one's patriotism," and added that you do not have to be a "rocket scientist" to know that many Muslims immigrate because they are "opportunists." After all, said Cardinal Burke, Islam "by its definition believes itself to be destined to rule the world."


Cardinal Burke, the former archbishop of St. Louis and former chief judge at the Vatican's highest court, made his remarks at the Roman Life Forum, held in Rome, Italy, May 16-17.


At the forum, an audience member submitted the question, "Should a politician who opposes large-scale Muslim immigration be refused a papal blessing?"


Card. Burke replied, "I think the fundamental question here is [whether] someone who resists large-scale Muslim immigration [is] committing an immoral act and therefore should be, let's say, denied Holy Communion or in some way recognized as a public sinner?"


"To resist large-scale Muslim immigration, in my judgment," said the cardinal, "is to be responsible in the sense of making sure that those who are immigrating to the country – remember that the definition of the Church's teaching is that the individuals are not able to find a way of living in their own country and this is not true of immigrants who come who are opportunists, and in particular in the case of Islam, which by its definition believes itself to be destined to rule the world – coming in large numbers to countries."


"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what's happened," he said.


"For instance, in Europe, in countries like France and Germany and also here in Italy and it's also happening in the United States," said the cardinal. "There's a very interesting book written called No-Go Zones and which records places in the United States where, in fact, Muslim immigrants have set up their own legal order – in other words, they resist the authority, the legitimate authority of the state."


He continued, "And so, to be opposed to wholesale, or large-scale Muslim immigration is, in fact, as far as I'm concerned, the responsible exercise of one's patriotism in the sense that we – yes, people are true refugees who can't live in their own country we must receive them and help them in every way. But this is not the case when you have simply a large-scale immigration."

Anonymous ID: 793240 May 24, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6582539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AOC Takes Break From Hating Capitalism by Defending Fellow Marxist Pocahontas Attorney Gig in Which She Hosed Clients for $675 Per Hour


Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a break from criticizing capitalism and economic inequality to mock a reporter’s salary and defend her friend’s $675 per hour job.


Ocasio-Cortez mocked CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski after he tweeted an article from The Washington Post about Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s career as a lawyer.


“While teaching, Elizabeth Warren worked on more than 50 legal matters, charging as much as $675 an hour,” Kaczynski tweeted.


Warren’s lucrative legal career could explain why the senator has a net worth of millions. And though Ocasio-Cortez is a frequent critic of the wealthy and supposed defender of the working class, she defended Warren’s wealth and mocked Kaczynski’s salary.


“BREAKING NEWS: Lady Had A Job, Got Paid More Than Me,” Ocasio-Cortez mocked.


Ocasio-Cortez’s hypocritical stance is not surprising when one considers her friendly relationship with Warren.


The two lawmakers even made a “Game of Thrones” reaction video together, in which they complained about HBO’s lack of “feminist analysis.”


But imagine if one of Ocasio-Cortez’s political opponents made more than $600 an hour. The self-identified socialist would complain about “privilege” and “wealth inequality” while praising the journalist who reported the news.


Since Warren is a friend of Ocasio-Cortez and a fellow far-left Democrat, she gets a pass and the journalist gets mocked.


Ocasio-Cortez is a phony, a liberal elitist whose talking points about “wealth inequality” merely pay lip service to her naive constituents.


After all, Ocasio-Cortez is a socialist. In most socialist regimes, rank-and-file workers get deceived and the socialist politicians become wealthy.


Even the socialist’s constituents are starting to turn against her, in part because she pushed away Amazon and 25,000 new jobs.


It’s surprising that anybody still supports Ocasio-Cortez.