Anonymous ID: a2081c May 24, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.6581957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243 >>2420 >>2448 >>2616

Mark Meadows Reviews New ‘Peter Strzok Coverup Text Messages’ at Justice Department


Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) was spotted at the Justice Department Thursday with fellow Freedom Caucus member Jim Jordan (R-OH) shortly before President Trump issued a declassification order of Spygate documents.


Meadows told a reporter that he was at the DOJ “reviewing text messages and new correspondence that pertains to the Strzok coverup.”


Just hours after Meadows visited the Justice Department, President Trump gave Attorney General Bill Barr “full and complete authority to declassify information” related to Spygate.


President Trump on Thursday evening announced that at the recommendation of Attorney General Bill Barr, he has directed the Intel Community to quickly and fully cooperate with Barr’s investigation into surveillance activities.


Former counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page plotted against then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016, desperate to stop him from winning the election.


Strzok was one of the lead investigators of the Hillary Clinton email probe into her use of a private server. After Strzok helped exonerate Hillary Clinton despite her obvious crimes of sending classified information over a private server system and destroying emails and Blackberries that were under subpoena, he then migrated over to the Trump-Russia probe to hunt down Donald Trump.


Text messages sent between Strzok and his paramour Page revealed the two absolutely hated Donald Trump and even spoke about an “insurance policy” just in case Trump won the election.


Nunes recently said in an interview that he believes the “insurance policy” text message Strzok sent Page referred to the FBI’s use of Hillary’s phony Russia dossier which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele to obtain FISA warrants to wiretap Carter Page.

Anonymous ID: a2081c May 24, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6581970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2133

The Ongoing Destruction of the Minds of Children


There can be no greater stretch of arbitrary power than to seize children from their parents, teach them whatever the authorities decree they shall be taught, and expropriate from the parents the funds to pay for the procedure.

— Isabel Paterson


Compulsory schooling is a travesty. To call it education is absurd. Real education is lifelong learning as an individual, while compulsory public schooling is the indoctrination of children as a collective exercise to bring all down to the lowest level. Prisons called schools are simply the forced means to stifle individual brilliance while promoting sameness and monotony. The result of this brainwashing is meant to teach children to obey orders, and to be satisfied spending their lives in a virtual cage of ignorance, to never become entrepreneurs and dissenters.


With the recent death of the great John Taylor Gatto, the loss of a giant is evident. He was not only a pioneer in real education, but he discovered the true nature and genius that exists in so many children. The controllers who use the government school system as a way to dumb down the masses fully understand this potential genius. They are very fearful of it. So fearful in fact, that more than 100 years ago, they designed a mandatory school system as a way to control the common people. By training them to be good citizens and members of a collective society instead of individuals, the few could continue to control the many.


The experiment called compulsory schooling, now referred to as “public education,” began in Massachusetts in 1852, and became widespread just after the turn of the twentieth century. By 1910 the majority of children were in public schools. Since that time “education” as administered by the state has been a horrible failure, if learning was the desired end. But learning and knowledge were never the goals of forced schooling; training the young to honor authority, discipline, and nationalism were the true goals sought. In that regard, public schooling has been completely successful. These institutions became the vehicle used to teach children to be managed instead of managing themselves. They have produced a soft society consumed by doubt and incompetence, and one that can function only as a mass.


In order to change this dynamic, a real education is necessary, but so long as parents continue to shirk their responsibility by allowing unknown state employees to raise and train their children, things can only get worse.


John Gatto knew that teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic could be accomplished in as few as 100 hours. The improvement of those skills would be self-taught at the appropriate time and place, as self-taught persons are far more advanced than those subject to and dependent on mass schooling. Any real study of most kids educated at home will expose this truth.

Anonymous ID: a2081c May 24, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.6582013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243 >>2420 >>2616

DHS: ‘100 %’ Border Crossers with Children Being Released into U.S., Given Work Permits


Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kevin McAleenan confirmed to Congress this week that his agency is merely acting as a checkpoint for adults crossing the United States-Mexico border with children, as “100 percent” are being released into the interior of the country.


During a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, McAleenan said DHS is releasing “100 percent” of adult border crossers into the interior of the country who arrive with children at the southern border, including those who are not even asking for asylum.


Then, within four to six weeks, McAleenan said the adult border crossers who have been released into the U.S. are given work permits allowing them to take American jobs while they await their court hearings, oftentimes two years down the road.


McAleenan confirmed the mass catch and release effort in an exchange with Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH):


PORTMAN: So, what percent of those families who come up to the border and, again, approach your officer, ask for asylum, are being released into the community within days?


MCALEENAN: 100 percent.


PORTMAN: 100 percent?


MCALEENAN: Yeah, and they’re not necessarily asking for asylum. They–they don’t–they don’t have to. They can go into an immigration proceeding and not have to present that case for potentially years.


PORTMAN: And when they go into the community, you say can take a while. It’s over two years in Ohio, you should know, before we can have a court hearing. So, it’s over a two-year period. What’s the average around the country, do you know?


MCALEENAN: The average is around two years, and in some jurisdictions even longer.



PORTMAN: And during that time period, can those individuals work?


MCALEENAN: Yes, by and large, although we’re–we’re looking at–at tightening the–the rules so that there is not an opportunity to take advantage of the system.


PORTMAN: So, they have a work permit. My understanding is they don’t get the work permit immediately but after a certain period of time. Is it six weeks?


MCALEENAN: It’s in … the 30 to 90 days range, that’s correct.


PORTMAN: And those individuals then … are going to work. So, if you are a trafficker, what you’re telling people is, one, if you come to the border … and seek asylum, or even if you’re coming to the border … and seeking an immigration hearing, you’ll be released into the community for a couple of years at least before your hearing, and you’ll have the ability to work. And with the wage differential of, you know, being able to make 10 times as much or sometimes as much as 20 times as much in the United States…


Breitbart News has chronicled for months DHS’s mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country. Since December 2018, about 185,500 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released into the U.S. with only the promise that they will return for their court hearings years later.


In the last week, alone, DHS has released nearly 8,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country. At current rates, more than 445,000 border crossers and illegal aliens will be released into American communities by the end of the year.


The catch and release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the hope that they show up for their immigration and asylum hearings. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.


Today, there are anywhere between 11 and 22 million illegal aliens living across the country — the majority of which are concentrated in states like California, New York, Florida, Texas, and Illinois.