Anonymous ID: c33e2d May 24, 2019, 6:16 p.m. No.6582571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6581111 (pb)

I have hope that some that have been lied to or fooled into believing that what they are doing is right will see the errors of their ways. They can't do that if they are dead.

We have a chance to forgive those that "repent." Repent = metanoia = the changing of the mind.

Does that negate the fact that justice must be served? No. But what should I teach my kids? It's ok to have joy from another humans suffering.

We all know that is wrong.

I have been struggling as well anon and had to come to this conclusion.

They all seem like animals to me until they do something "human" and then I remember our battle is not against flesh and blood.

I feel hypocritical saying what I believe cause I certainly don't live these words daily.

Nadler mind fucked me today.