Anonymous ID: 0d22eb May 24, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6582827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2924


You are esposuing a true Christian myth. The bible does not back your perspective of Jesus.


What price did he pay? You folks distort the reason Jesus had to die ON A TREE Also. And you put him on a Pagan cross?


His death was for HIM not some Joe Blow living in 2019. And Jesus would have NOTHING to do with christianity.


His death had to do with the Penalty of sin - not paying for something you did today. Get real out of your delusion.


Whether a person knows who Jesus is or not has nothing to do with his judgment. All the people that never heard of him are now condemned due to your Baptist perspective. That is NOT what the bible says will happen to people.


We will be judged by our works - not by our faith in Jesus Christ.