Anonymous ID: 1d465d May 24, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6583037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3092 >>3155 >>3174 >>3235

I made the post that follows late last night or early this morning, Chicago time. It had a few replies and whatever. I go back to look for the post and I cannot find it through or just browsing for it. I may just be missing it and I have no idea how often indexes the board. But if it's gone, that's a mind fuck. I'm including the same meme so it may jog someone's memory. One anon replied with the O of the pic saying try harder or some such. This was the original body:


Two months ago, Kappy laid it all out. According to him, "There are so many Mossad agents it would blow your mind". The Mossad protects slave traders. Khazarian Mafia. Zionist Khazarian Jews. Unregistered foreign agents in every level of media and government. He names names.


Unregistered Foreign Agents (Mossad) engaged in protecting the child slave trade:

Mike Cernovich

Jack Posobiac

Gabe Hoffman

Arnie Milchen

Laura Loomer

Alex Jones

Enty (? Does he mean Ent Lawyer of CDAN?)


Joe Rogan (probably)(fucking makes me sad…)

Jordan Peterson

Sam Harris

Ben Shapiro

These four he named as being members of the International Dark Web

From IDW website, members include:


Rebel Wisdom

Steven Pinker

Owen Benjamin (Disavowed the group?)

Bret Weinstein (Founder?)

Dave Rubin

Nicholas Christakis

Heather Heying

Michael Shermer

Douglas Murray

Akira the Don (real name Adam Narkiewicz)

James Damore

Gad Saad

Jonathan Haidt

Tim Pool

Eric Weinstein

Maajid Usman Nawaz

Lindsay Shepherd

Elon Musk

Camille Paglia

Carl Benjamin | Sargon of Akkad

Peter Andreas Thiel

Steven Crowder

Claire Lehmann

Matt Christiansen

Stephen Hicks

Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Slave consumers:



Seth Green

Bill Maher

James Gunn

Most of the NBA

Lebron James


Black Cube is a private Mossad for hire. This is the mystery company in the Papadoupolis narrative.

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. involved for hundreds of years.

Voodoo Donuts stories are true.


Trust Liz Crokin

Anonymous ID: 1d465d May 24, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.6583166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3179


Exactly the same response as last night. Was that also you last night? If so, can find where you responded last night?


Anyone have any idea how often gets updated? Is it real-time?