Anonymous ID: 8368f2 May 24, 2019, 9:03 p.m. No.6583986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6580021 pb - notable

Army to Promote Hundreds of PSYOP Soldiers

"Largest single promotion ever conducted for an Army Special Operations military occupational specialty," = Likely a precursor for the MKUltra victims to be taken from cult homes and into facilities.


The truth is the vast majority of the MK Ultra kids/adults are still in cult homes where they stay with flipped family members - it's not a great solution as they need a lot of rehabilitation after a lifetime of abuse - I talk about about that stuff here


Not allowed atm to explain why I know what I know but most of this stuff should be self explanatory and comes with links to corroboration. The stuff that doesn't is only because it's not DECLAS yet