Anonymous ID: a2026d May 24, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.6583513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyone notice how ever since the Declas Q drops yesterday, Finklefag has been getting significantly more aggressive in terms of his spamming?


Given that we know the Deep State WILL try to pull a false flag to get ahead of DECLAS, and that a truly MASSIVe one will be needed to successfully get ahead of declas, put two and two together and the conclusion is obvious.


Finklefag is an obvious CIA or Mossad asset. Finklefag is obviously part of a CIA/MOS false flag plot against US.


Meaning the most likely target of said false flag will be a synagogue or something similar. To achieve the big effect, the terrorist act will have to be a big one. Bigger than a mere shooting.


Finklefag glows.