Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 10:10 p.m. No.6584352   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4356 >>4368 >>4400



says anti-porn…but tied closely to McCain


Keating was a champion swimmer for the University of Cincinnati in the 1940s. From the late 1950s through the 1970s, he was a noted anti-pornography activist, founding the organization Citizens for Decent Literature and serving as a member on the 1969 President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography.

Anti-pornography activism

In 1956, Keating joined a priest leading a group of concerned Catholics in Cincinnati who were concerned about the dangers of pornography, and he began giving talks on the subject to parents and other groups.[28] In 1958, Keating testified before the House Judiciary Committee on mail-order pornography, saying that it was "capable of poisoning any mind at any age and of perverting our entire younger generation", and that it was closely tied to juvenile delinquency, while also quoting a Senate Committee report that "part of the Communist conspiracy was to print (obscene materials)".[28][31] Keating mentioned links between pornography and Communism at other times, but distanced himself from the more fervent anti-Communist groups of the early 1960s.[32] He stated that 90 percent of obscene materials were produced for profit, not ideological reasons, and told Congress in 1960, "I had better say […] that I am not blaming obscenity in America on the Communists."[32]

Keating founded Citizens for Decent Literature (CDL) in 1958 (later renamed a number of times, the best known of which is Citizens for Decency through Law),[15] which advocated reading classics not "smut."[33] It would grow to 300 chapters and 100,000 members nationwide and become the largest anti-pornography organization in the nation.[33] It absorbed some other groups, such as National Citizens for Decent Literature and the Pittsburgh National Better Magazines Council.[32] The structure of CDL was initially decentralized, but Keating grew frustrated with some local chapters taking aggressive actions he did not approve of, and so he gave it a more controlled focus with a national magazine, film production, and a greater role in legal actions.[34]

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 10:11 p.m. No.6584356   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Over the next two decades, CDL mailed some 40 million letters on behalf of its position and filed a series of amicus curiae briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court.[34][35] Keating gained the nickname "Mr. Clean".[36]


In 1964–65, Keating produced Perversion for Profit, a film featuring announcer George Putnam. It was a survey of then-available prurient and obscene materials, and asserted that pornography led to moral decay.[37] It, along with two lesser-known films produced or distributed by CDL, was screened frequently throughout the country and remained in print for a long time.[38]


In 1969, Keating's national reputation on the issue led President Nixon to appoint him to the President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, which had been begun under Nixon's predecessor, Lyndon B. Johnson.[30][39] The majority on the commission issued a report which concluded that pornography does not degrade the morals of adults or cause crime and recommended that all federal, state, and local laws preventing consenting adults from obtaining pornographic materials be repealed. Keating, Nixon's only appointee on the 18-person commission, was the leading commission dissenter from the report.[39][40]


In September 1970, Keating was granted a temporary restraining order from the D.C. Federal District Court to delay publication of the report, stating that he needed access to all the report's backing materials and time to write a dissent.[40] Several days later, Keating was given the desired materials and two weeks to write his report by the committee.[41]


Keating filed his dissent, saying, "At a time when the spread of pornography has reached epidemic proportions in our country and when the moral fiber of our nation seems to be rapidly unravelling, the desperate need is for enlightenment and intelligent control of the poisons which threaten us – not the declaration of moral bankruptcy inherent in the repeal of the laws which have been the defense of decent people against the pornographer for profit."[42] Keating wrote, "One can consult all the experts he chooses, can write reports, make studies, etc., but the fact that obscenity corrupts lies within the common sense, the reason, and the logic of every man."[43]


The Nixon administration tacitly supported Keating's legal efforts,[39] and Counsellor to the President John Ehrlichman assigned White House speechwriter Pat Buchanan to help draft the dissenting report.[44] The commission's majority report was denounced by congressional leaders of both parties as well as by the administration.[44]


The commission involvement earned Keating further national attention, which he used to push towards stringent behavior in Cincinnati.[45] In 1969, Keating obtained an injunction preventing the showing in Cincinnati of softcore sexploitation master Russ Meyer's film Vixen!, claiming it was obscene,[46] and the film was seized by the police the first day it opened.[47] Showing of the film was successfully stopped in other parts of Ohio as well, and Meyer spent $250,000 in defense against Keating legal actions.[47] Keating said Meyer had done more to undermine morals in the nation than anyone else; Meyer responded that "I was glad to do it."[47] The Cincinnati Vixen! case was appealed and in 1971 the Supreme Court of Ohio upheld the prohibition.[46]


In 1970, Keating tried to block a closed-circuit showing of the musical Oh! Calcutta! in Cincinnati, saying that "it appeals to a prurient interest in sex."[48] During 1972, a Keating legal action kept a sex film theater shut as a "public nuisance".[45] He tried to prevent newsstands near his office from selling Playboy and Oui magazines.[49] He denounced the Ramada Inn chain for offering adult programming on cable television to guests.[36] Other local actions involving shutting stores and removing books from public libraries were attributed by civil liberties advocates to the "oppressive" trend that Keating had set.[45] Such was Keating and his organization's effectiveness that when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the 1973 Miller v. California decision establishing that obscenity definitions be based upon local community standards, every adult bookstore and movie house in Cincinnati was closed within hours.[35]


Citizens for Decent Literature and Keating often warned about homosexuality as an example of what they saw as perverse behavior.[50] The film Perversion for Profit had included a claim that homosexuals had a slogan saying that "today's conquest is tomorrow's competition";[50] in a 1977 speech in Miami, Keating repeated this phrase, concluding from it that homosexuality represented an endless "seduction of the innocent".[51]


In 1975, Oui magazine gave Keating the top spot on its "Enemies of pornography" list.[49]

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.6584368   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4506




Hamilton County prosecutor Simon L. Leis Jr. put Ohio pornographer Larry Flynt on trial in 1976 for pandering obscenity and for engaging in a form of organized crime.[52] Local public opinion ran against Flynt.[52] Flynt was convicted on both counts and received the maximum sentence of 7 to 25 years in prison.[52] While the conviction was later overturned on appeal, the verdict again established Cincinnati's community standards in this regard, and even after Keating left for Arizona, his influence remained in Cincinnati being a center of anti-pornography fervor.[36][52] In the 1996 biopic, The People vs. Larry Flynt, which reportedly exaggerated Keating's role in the prosecution and trial,[53][54] Keating was portrayed by actor James Cromwell. Attempts to show Vixen! in Cincinnati would continue,[46] but by the late 1990s it was still illegal to do so.[55] However, when in 1990, the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center and its director Dennis Barrie were prosecuted for obscenity for exhibiting Robert Mapplethorpe's traveling solo show The Perfect Moment, they were found not guilty by a jury.[56]

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.6584400   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4416


Are you buying this load of crap?

McCain crimminal cohort Keating's grandson killed by ISIS…..sounds like payback from McCain perhaps.


Keating grandson killed by ISIS, seems ironic considering McCain ISIS ties don't you think?


Really dead or wt fuQ set up to be killed?


UPDATED: U.S. Officials Describe Fight That Killed Navy SEAL Charles Keating IV

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 10:24 p.m. No.6584416   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4465


McCain and Keating T





G.O.P. Senators See Politics In Pace of Keating 5 Inquiry

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.6584574   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4577 >>4578 >>4599

This is sucha good show today re: POTUS and declass…easy to understand and can give to all friends and family….he is a bit of a pooty mouth, but no big deal…….info is legit:

EVERY day he is full of info:


nearly 20K views on Periscope


just posted on YT 750 views

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.6584577   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4580 >>4599


The Dlley Show on Periscope with the live chat is a lot of fun to see real time reactions to declas news 20K views just today:

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 24, 2019, 11:43 p.m. No.6584652   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4658 >>4759


I really hate all the evil fuQs, but to see Nadler up close with no other in the video of his mini-stroke….it makes me sad…….I am one with a heart, I will pray for his salvation.


LOOK at this video and see if you feel the same:

19.2 K views:

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 25, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.6584738   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4747 >>4766 >>4768 >>4865 >>4884 >>4940


illegal alien from Kenya!!

46-year-old Billy Chemirmir was indicted Tuesday on six more counts of capital murder in the deaths of women ranging in age from 76 to 94.


Chemirmir, a Kenyan citizen who was living in the U.S. illegally.


Remember the illegal immigrant case in Dallas? Initially he was charged in 11 murders… then 12 murders… Well now police say investigators are reviewing about 750, let me repeat that, SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY deaths of elderly women for possible links to the killer.

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 25, 2019, 12:20 a.m. No.6584768   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4778 >>4784 >>4791 >>4865 >>4884 >>4940



and here is another illegal killing another grandmother, stabbed her to death


An illegal alien from Mexico has been arrested and charged with murdering a beloved 75-year-old grandmother in Houston, Texas


Marco Cobos, 19-years-old, is an illegal alien from Mexico, a law enforcement official confirmed to Breitbart News. On May 19, Cobos allegedly stabbed 75-year-old Etta Nugent 13 times in her home for 40 minutes to an hour as she begged for her life, according to prosecutors.


Ryan Saavedra


Verified account



Follow Follow @RealSaavedra


An illegal alien from Mexico has been arrested and charged with murdering a beloved 75-year-old grandmother in Houston, Texas.


CNN won't cover this.


Illegal Alien Accused of Stabbing Beloved Grandmother to Death

Anonymous ID: 0d5e90 May 25, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6584778   🗄️.is đź”—kun


These fuqers come here and destroy families!


The alleged murder occurred while the illegal alien had been living in a stolen truck on Nugent’s tree-lined street in Houston near the St. Francis de Sales church. Cobos, according to prosecutors, approached Nugent about her helping him fix the broken down truck.


When the elderly woman was unable to help, prosecutors say the illegal alien forced his way into her home as Nugent tried to speak through a crack in the door. Cobos, according to prosecutors, grabbed a knife and stabbed the elderly woman in the chest then ran back to the kitchen to grab more knives to stab her.


Nugent attempted to escape, heading out the front door and making her way to her front porch, but Cobos heard her and pulled her back inside the house where he continuously stabbed her until she died, prosecutors said.


The illegal alien then stole $560 from Nugent’s purse and her car, fleeing the alleged murder to buy food and a battery for his broken down truck. Cobos then returned to the murder scene, prosecutors said, to eat and steal more of the woman’s things, including three of her credit cards.


The next day, when Nugent failed to visit her husband in the hospital or answer phone calls from relatives, her son arrived at her home to find her dead.

Nugent’s family and friends told the Houston Chronicle in a statement that they are “heartbroken and in absolute shock at the senseless tragedy that unfolded” this week.

“Etta was a kind, gentle and generous woman who lived her life with unwavering dedication to her faith, family, and friends,” the statement continued.