Anonymous ID: 389d97 May 24, 2019, 10:14 p.m. No.6584371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4391 >>4431 >>4517 >>4544 >>4561 >>4568 >>4569 >>4654 >>4865 >>4884 >>4940



Could not believe she would be so obvious so I had to check the math.

Nancy's Quote:


I Pray for the President of the United States - I Wish that His Family or his Administration or his Staff Would Have an Intervention


Those capital letters are NOT necessary. But they are intentional and they do say:



I assigned the number to each letter in the alphabet. Here's for quick reference;

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

E 5

F 6

G 7

H 8

I 9

J 10

K 11

L 12

M 13

N 14

O 15

P 16

Q 17

R 18

S 19

T 20

U 21

V 22

W 23

X 24

Y 25

Z 26


The Cap letters converted to numbers are:

9 , 16, 16, 21, 19, 9, 23, 8, 6, 1, 19, 23, 8, 9.


Added them to [187] well known police code for murder or assassination.


Then he did small caps, which I can see are all the non cap first letters.

I do not get where he says [128] means "It's really bad" because that phrase does not sound like any police code I know. SO for me still a question. Other anons may be able to fill in my knowledge gap.


Still, the [187] assassination code is so obvious. I was pretty shocked.

Is she insane?

I was thinking about Nadler today. None of us would wish bad things to happen to anyone. But when these trials start, I am going to remember that these people have NO problems with assassinating anyone, much less the President of the United States.


They have no problem destroying children to sell films of their death to sick people who would buy them, all to fund their unelected global government black budget slush fund programs that destroy not just the US, but MANY nations. They are fine with the sex trafficking. They are fine with the destruction of the United States through the use of hoards of the worlds poor from nations they have already destroyed, and care not one bit that so many on that road here are being murdered and trafficked in the process.


Now that we know that many of the adults who bring a child across the border are not even DNA related we have to wonder how many mothers and fathers in South America and Mexico are wondering where their child went?


They think they are "kings", oddly, just as the ancient text told us … "kings of the earth"?They are people who think their opinions of who should lead the country matter more than the vote of the people.

They obviously hate our republic, and plan on stopping any other nation of people from becoming a free nation.

They hate human beings around the world.


Poor president Kennedy was up against this, and our military was not ready, nor was the SS if they were not in on it.

We are ready this time.


And when these people are judged by the Constitution that they obviously hate, let us remember we did not make them take these actions against other human beings.


WHAT IS IT we are looking at when the speaker of the house is covertly calling for the assassination of the President of the United States?


In your face Treason.


For the republic to survive, we must not flinch at the electric chair these traitors die in.

NOT if we love our children around the world. And die they must, after we enforce our Constitution.

Their lives are worth no more than our soldiers who are called to die for our Republic in defense of freedom.

SO the electric chair is called upon, and if they must be judged to die for their evil acts, let their death be for the sake of the nation also.

Let us have no tears on that day.

Remember the children.

This is what we fight for.

This is who enforcement of the Constitutional laws of treason will rescue.

And one day, God will answer our prayers, and other nations will also be free. They know this is what we want for the rest of the world, and (((THEY))) abuse this also.

Let us pray.

But let us not cry on judgment day.

Not one tear.

If we feel sad, let us feel sad that we did not act faster than we did.

Let us feel bad that we did not "see" sooner.

Nancy, you are only right in that

……It is really bad.

There is a time to put an end to evil, and that time is now.

Anonymous ID: 389d97 May 24, 2019, 10:43 p.m. No.6584487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4609


MOAR treason.

All of these Congress people think it would be ok to go have coffee with Hitler smack in the middle of WWI without any of us blinking an eye about it, because each of them thinks they run their little kingdom in some area of the US.

Even the Federal Judges think they can stop the President from protecting the nation, or building a wall.


Electric Chair after Constitutional trial.

This is what these "Would be King" Representatives and Judges need to save the country.

Anonymous ID: 389d97 May 24, 2019, 10:52 p.m. No.6584517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here is another one that thinks she is some kind of king in her own jurisdiction, and that she can meet covertly with the enemies of the United States.

I am tellin you, we need Constitutional trials for treason and the electric chair.

Anonymous ID: 389d97 May 24, 2019, 11:12 p.m. No.6584571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4576




SOOOooooo Notable.

We are the news, and this is news all.

It needs to get out. Who knows where they have put even more of Hillary's Classified info on illegal servers around the US to frame President Trump. This might be the tip of the iceburg, and the public needs to know about this framing attempt.