Anonymous ID: dbb0b4 May 24, 2019, 11:54 p.m. No.6584690   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4697


No anon I am not "Q" but we are all Q…get a good nights sleep, come back tomorrow and lurk moar (read q posts, and breads, start with notables)…

If you are new that is…Good night anon…take care of yourself, you matter.

Anonymous ID: dbb0b4 May 25, 2019, midnight No.6584708   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I love you all….no homo…I really do love all of you anons…I pray everyday that we get to meet one day soon and that we all can get to sake the had of the greatest President this country has ever known (in my humble opinion of course) and yes maybe one day learning who Q and Q+ is…


I am fading fast so not sure how much longer I will be on the bread…praying hard for POTUS safe arrival in Japan….



Anonymous ID: dbb0b4 May 25, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.6584736   🗄️.is đź”—kun

My father was a hard man in his earlier years, drank alot perhaps a periodic alcoholic…but one day he came home and we (his wife and kids were gone). Summer of 75 - he changed his whole life to get us back…He once said to me that we us kids were his life..because he didn't have his parents, he wanted to show us and give what he didn't have. He told me the truth the beautiful stories of Jesus and the ugly truths of mankind, WW I and II, he told me of God's cursing of the jews…he taught me that I must always speak truth, no matter what and to always guard my heart for it is my strongest weapon against evil…


I miss him terribly tonight…forgive muh feelz anons….so much going on right now….