Anonymous ID: c60cf9 March 13, 2018, 8:46 p.m. No.658881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909

Here's the thing Anons.


There are two paths ahead of us.


  1. We're correct that 11.11. will be the glorious end to our pursuits. It will be glorious. The criminals that have been running this joint will have been arrested. Perp walked, duck walked, crab walked and jay walked. I'm as in favor of that as any of you. I want it. I crave it. I lose sleep and neglect my obligations fucking around her trying to do my tiny bit to bring it about.


BUT: Here's the math.


It's March 13th.

9 Months until midterms.

That's a long time.


Unless you look at what we're asking for.


In nine months we want to see some of the most powerful people in the world arrested, fairly tried and sentenced.


Even if arrests happens tomorrow, that's a tough schedule.


  1. The game is longer than we're thinking


I think we need to consider the idea that 11.11 is yet another code that we're not understanding and hunker down for the possibility that we'll need to tough it out through, not only the midterms, but another Presidential election.If that's the case, we need to get our shit together and stop blathering on about arrests. We've been screaming at the top of our lungs for years to no avail so what's one or two more if we get the prize in the end?


This is a plan that's been in the works for decades. I think it's unreasonable to expect it to come to fruition in a few months.


I hope to God that this isn't the case. I don't think we have the unit cohesion to follow a specific leader or plan for that long, but it's a reasonable possibility.