Anonymous ID: 173301 May 25, 2019, 3:33 a.m. No.6585140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5175 >>5191



Operation Charlemagne, The Silent Ones, and EyePyramid. Italy’s role in Framing Trump! #Spygate #QAnon #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT

May 24, 2019 by Neon Revolt

Before I begin, a hat tip to TheBigOldDog, Zatvornik, and Anglojibwe. Also, I’ll address recent “drama” at the END of this article. For now, I want to get right into this:


It started with a tip off…

A tweet…


And a question…

Who are the Silent Ones?

Turns out, QAnon had mentioned them before, all the way back in the early days, at Qdrop #97.


“To this date, Q would not bring up the term again. This is the only time it ever appeared in his drops. And at the time, no one had any clue what it meant.

And when I say no one, I mean literally no one. Anons largely just… skimmed by this phrase – myself included. Go back and run a search on the term on all the old research threads and you’ll find next to nothing… and I think for good reason…

The term wasn’t public yet.

Even today, trying to search for the term won’t yield much. You might find a few scattered tweets if you’re lucky, but even then, you’ll still be left in the dark as to who or what #theSilentOnes are.

But after seeing this particular tweet, I had to know. If this account was tweeting about The Silent Ones in relation to #Spygate… and Q had mentioned “The Silent Ones” all the way back in 2017… I suddenly needed answers.


In a surprise move Wednesday, Giuseppe Conte, the prime minister of Italy, fired the top management of three Italian intelligence agencies.”