Anonymous ID: 70e8ba May 25, 2019, 1:49 a.m. No.6584974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France banned the burqa in 2011. Is the UK govt now preparing to implement a face veil ban as it gets ready to roll out street level facial recognition technology for use on civilians?


A UK GP who asked a mother in his surgery to lift her veil so he could hear hear words more clearly about what was wrong with her little girl can't work as a doctor and his career could be in ruins as he is investigated by the GMC (UK General Medical Council) following a complaint from the woman’s husband.


Dr Keith Wolverson has two other outstanding complaints against him at the GMC (UK General Medical Council) so he is already known to the authorities. Both complaints are regarding his refusal to hand out sick notes to individuals he felt were being dishonest about their illnesses. Dr Wolverton admits to being a ‘lifelong conservative’. In the article claims he quote’s his hero Winston Churchill with the words: 'One day, I hope that, “We may move into broad, sunlit uplands.”


Interestingly the article below admits Britain has Sharia Court judges which is frequently denied. ‘For, as Dr Amra Bone, Britain's only female sharia court judge and a leading Islamic scholar, told me, covering one's face is not obligatory for Muslim women, according to the four major Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence (although some individual scholars recommend it).’


In a seemingly separate development, the Metropolitan Police is trialling facial recognition technology called NeoFace, developed by Japanese IT firm NEC, which matches faces up to a so-called watch list of offenders wanted by the police and courts for existing offences. Cameras scan faces in its view measuring the structure of each face, creating a digital version that is searched up against the watch list. If a match is detected, an officer on the scene is alerted, who will be able to see the camera image and the watch list image, before deciding whether to stop the individual.The cameras have been rolled out in a trial in parts of Britain, with the Met making its first arrest last December when shoppers in London's West End were scanned (see video of arrest -


Questions arising:


Has Dr Wolverson been targeted because of his apparent ‘conservative’ views and eccentric character that don’t fit common purpose narrative?

What else has he been outspoken about or refused to comply with?

Are the British government planning a Burqua ban following a public outcry about Dr Wolverson’s treatment by officials?

Is a Burqa ban necessary due to the rollout of a national facial recognition system in the streets which is currently being trialled in London and elsewhere?


‘In May 2018, Dr Wolverson was consulted by a Muslim woman wearing a full-face veil. She wanted him to treat her five-year-old daughter's sore throat, but her voice was 'muffled' by the veil, he says, making it difficult to understand. With courtesy, he insists, he asked her to remove it. By his account she complied, yet when she told her husband he was seemingly furious and complained to the hospital. Now, a year later, the General Medical Council is to hold a formal inquiry into his behaviour.


Dr Wolverson has treated countless Muslims without incident, and says women usually remove their veils voluntarily. He was initially 'filled with dread' at the prospect of being hauled before a disciplinary panel on this serious charge. ‘It's very difficult for anyone outside the medical profession to understand what this means to a doctor.


'It is a threat of unimaginable proportion. These matters usually take about a year, during which one can't get any locum work because one is obliged to declare that one is being investigated, and no one will touch you while it is going on. 'So I knew my life would be on hold for months, and my 23-year career could be left in ruins. ’With a hollow laugh, he added: 'The documents included an advice leaflet. It offered free counselling. I tore it up and threw it in the bin.


Dr Wolverson's worry turned to anger, and he resolved to fight the slur on his reputation. 'I thought, I'm not going to be a victim here. I can feel sorry for myself — or I can be that decent, honourable Englishman that stands and fights, the way I had been brought up. I chose the latter option to right what was, to me, an enormous miscarriage of justice. A slight on an honourable and decent man's character that his career and professional reputation may never recover from.’ Though friends and colleagues counselled him against speaking out about his plight, Dr Wolverson has ignored them, believing publicity will further his cause.

