Anonymous ID: 6d35f8 May 25, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.6585807   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5815

Great Awakening Anon posted last night

expected to post this morning for us so i dont wanna spoiler

if you want to preview, its in bread 8417 notables

or practice using

GAanon - to practice digging

Moebius inspired - to get straight there

Anonymous ID: 6d35f8 May 25, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6585949   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5963 >>6133 >>6352


Highest Ranking Anon

to date:

is chanded - has not shit the bread in many moons, has dank notable news and can tell what is late bread and wait for new bread, has solid proofs but knows may take a few posts to catch steam and insteads of repeated posts continues dig and adds/improves and re-drops


knows that filter is necessary for the psych war not the echo chamber - doesnt use filter like a ban hammer, uses filter and comment filter for the comfy


can meme/graphic/proof - has taken the time to use and somewhat attempt to master a graphic illustration program


can dig - can get down beyond the Breitbarts/news outlets and Conservative Treehouse/blog sites to their sourced links and beyond to get to the source info aka the yum yum sauce


new tasks/challenges


can bake - has at least practiced in comms, maybe an ebake or two, maybe a notable bun or two, maybe a live bake or two


can guerrilla warfare - can twatter/fagbook messages without getting banned (stealth bomber), perhaps has a fake liberal account used for infiltration and gentile sarc bombs



Anonymous ID: 6d35f8 May 25, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6586232   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6491

News Now

aka notables



>>6585924, >>6586068 newest PM Shinzo twat - TOKYO SKYTREE welcomes their visit with a special lighting

>>6586014, >>6586077, >>6585952 Almonds tingle on SKY EVENT after PM twat

>>6585860 5.1 earthquake Tokyo a few hours before POTUS arrival (GodEmperorZilla)

>>6585854 Biggest American Companies being Owned more and more by the Chinese

>>6585815 Great Awakening Vol 64 out

>>6586123, >>6586079, >>6586115 - DJT Age of Enlightenment and Q drop 144

>>6586071, >>6586107 Twatter thread HousatonicITS goes over property receipt - Blue folder - LA Shooting

Anonymous ID: 6d35f8 May 25, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.6586382   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6406 >>6420

News Now

aka notables



>>6585924, >>6586068 newest PM Shinzo twat - TOKYO SKYTREE welcomes their visit with a special lighting

>>6586014, >>6586077, >>6585952 Almonds tingle on SKY EVENT after PM twat

>>6585860 5.1 earthquake Tokyo a few hours before POTUS arrival (GodEmperorZilla)

>>6585854 Biggest American Companies being Owned more and more by the Chinese

>>6585815 Great Awakening Vol 64 out

>>6586123, >>6586079, >>6586115 - DJT Age of Enlightenment and Q drop 144

>>6586071, >>6586107 Twatter thread HousatonicITS goes over property receipt - Blue folder - LA Shooting

>>6586206 Evidence of Obama Admin Political Surveillance beginning 2012 ?

>>6586171 Colorado becomes first state in nation to cap price of insulin

>>6586195 meme of Adam Schitt flip-flop


the Conservative treehouse (and poss neon revolt) are blog, which means the write-ups have many links and sourced material, instead of just linking the blog(s), which is fine, anyone wanna grab those sourced links?

>>6586100, >>6586296, >>6586229

Anonymous ID: 6d35f8 May 25, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.6586478   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6490

News Now

aka notables



>>6585924, >>6586068 newest PM Shinzo twat - TOKYO SKYTREE welcomes their visit with a special lighting

>>6586014, >>6586077, >>6585952 Almonds tingle on SKY EVENT after PM twat

>>6586090 also sky event, asteroid tonight

>>6585860 5.1 earthquake Tokyo a few hours before POTUS arrival (GodEmperorZilla)

>>6585854 Biggest American Companies being Owned more and more by the Chinese

>>6585815 Great Awakening Vol 64 out

>>6586123, >>6586079, >>6586115 - DJT Age of Enlightenment and Q drop 144

>>6586071, >>6586107 Twatter thread HousatonicITS goes over property receipt - Blue folder - LA Shooting

>>6586206 Evidence of Obama Admin Political Surveillance beginning 2012 ?

>>6586171 Colorado becomes first state in nation to cap price of insulin

>>6586195 meme of Adam Schitt flip-flop