Anonymous ID: 6f0fca May 25, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.6586483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6521 >>6544

>>6585526 (lb)


In order to stop myself from behaving the way blinkered people behave - I try to make the effort listen to many people on all sides of the table as possible.


I enjoy listening to Scott Adams as he has a lot of good and interesting things to say.


With regards to his comments re Q, I agree they are annoying as it is obvious he only takes a limited (and wrong) view in what Q and Qresearch means and actually does. His focus on Q as a hoax is extremely narrow and if my view on Q was that myopic/simplistic I would likely see Q the same way as Scott.


Doesn't make Scott particularly bad just illustrates to us all nobody know everything, even if we all think we do.


However, my view is slightly different because I have been following Q before he moved here and have been fascinated by the discoveries of my own digs and even more so by the digs of other anons on all our collectively uncovered knowledge leading to a better understanding of everything I previously did not understand and felt extremely stressed about.


Something that can hardly be expected by Scott with all his other 7/11 work activities.


I think on average I have been here between 5 to 10 hours a day (exciting times have kept me on longer) starting since the Q team appearance on 4chan and then moving on to 8chan when we all moved together.


Slowly but surely after years of knowing something was freaking wrong and having no one to talk to that understood, I have found my feet back on solid ground through the collaborative work of this board.


Scott got this one wrong but I bet when he knows more or take the time to visit this board seriously (like daily for more than 2 years lol) , he will find the grace to change his opinion.