Anonymous ID: 1392fe May 25, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.6587150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7180 >>7231

"Move to Amend" is a group seeking to overturn the idea that corporations are "persons" under the law. They are pretty rabidly against Trump (or were). However, I agree with them that corporations should not be considered persons. I found the origins of the idea that corporations are "persons" very intriguing. I think that corporations give bad actors a 'false front' to hide behind and I also think that non-human entities should not have the rights of people. This concept seems to have been stealthily established in the 1880s. I wonder what anons think about this. If the cabal are controlled by satanic entities do corporations give literal and/or figurative demons "bodies" to operate through?

Anonymous ID: 1392fe May 25, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.6587193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7264


The subject of giants is very interesting. Were antediluvian animals of huge size? I think they were. What about people? David slew Goliath who was a giant. Elsewhere in scripture it seems that David measured the stature of a group of men and executed the ones above a certain height. How tall is James Comey? (Not necessarily saying he's a giant, but his height has struck me as very conspicuous) I don't advocate for executing tall people! However, I wonder about the fact that we associate physical stature with authority.

Anonymous ID: 1392fe May 25, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6587301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310 >>7324


I think you are right about this. A fallen angel would have "fallen" from what? a height? I think maybe fallen from "higher" dimension to lower, instead. How would this fallen being try to get back "up"? Energy from beings resembling the Creator? The Bible is FULL of intriguing ideas. Jesus "ascended" into Heaven? I think when He died and then resurrected His body was permanently transformed (regained "higher" dimension?). I think maybe satan is trapped in time. We are too, until "reconnected" to God by being "born again". Man created a little "lower" than the angels? Through Christ "seated" in heavenly places.