Anonymous ID: 66fd06 May 25, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6587152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7184

>>6583157 (PB)

It is a good thing to kill monsters. It is a bad thing to become one yourself.

>>6583159 (PB)

I sincerely hope the measure fails. I don't want us to feel obligated to defend Jerusalem in order to defend the embassies of allies. Israel is not our ally … it'll betray us whenever it sees an advantage, however slight, in doing so. It has done it in the past. It will do it in the future.

>>6583163 (PB)

As I write this, there are 5 business days left in May. You're hallucinating.

>>6583044 (PB)

"We are saving Israel for last." –Q, March 10, 2018 Post #613229


Many "anons" have whined about Trump's moves regarding Israel. Refile those dual citizenship FOIA's ASAP. Walk them in Monday morning if you are able. You must pounce while the defenses are down. The trap has something in it – close the gate.

>>6582986 (PB)

Refilling a plastic water bottle with tap water = cheap. Guilty as charged. ;-)

>>6582987 (PB)

Oops … serial number showing. Might as well be the license plate on a car.

>>6582990 (PB)

I would not wish that on anyone, either. However, I did not cause it … Nadler did. Between crappy diet, failure to get adequate exercise, and the stresses of continuing to destroy the nation my children, grandchildren, and any generations beyond that must live in because of a warped and personal vendetta against Donald Trump, I have no great empathy for him. I don't care if he dies peacefully in the night (he's fat enough to suffocate if he simply rolls over on his stomach) or has a heart attack while taking a dump (I've personally known people who have died both those ways). I DO want him to stop destroying America.

>>6582693 (PB)

Although Trump is almost certainly beyond their reach while in flight, they are reminding him that he can't stay in AF-1 forever. PM Abe seems a solid ally and I suspect his own intelligence agencies have things pretty well buttoned-down on the ground in Japan. So Trump is out of harms way while shit is being dismantled back home. If the folks back home need more time to clean things up, he'll take an indirect route home – maybe make a surprise visit to the troops in Africa.


There will be no more "missing" Marines not at their posts outside the Oval Office nor will there be "accidental discharges during rifle exchanges" at Marine Barracks.

Hint: Marines don't share firearms and they DON'T fail to clear the breech. According to my son, a Cpl. with 3/3 at Kaneohe Bay, HA, that just isn't a mistake a Marine would make. EVER.


Don't know if Fuddy is alive or dead. But the plane did NOT "spiral in" and there was a diver in scuba gear seen in the water with them. The plane went into the water nose first because that's where the engine weight is, but it did NOT land in that aspect. Was Fuddy drowned on purpose? That seems more likely than the possibility that she was spirited away to life out her years in seclusion. It's a plane landing in the water. One person drowns. What a surprise.

Was there a funeral for Fuddy? Was the casket closed or open? The rest of the passengers had inflatable vests and survived … why not her?