Anonymous ID: 6d7449 May 25, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.6586674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh this is good, Trisha Anderson says Comey implicated in his book, that she had bias against Trump, she clarifies this, but says Comey is misremembering


Another interesting thing, in all the other interviews, Strzok, Page, Baker etc vehemently deny bias and eschews the virtues of courage and truth of every single FBI person; but Ms. Anderson never took that stand, her response is repeatedly, “I have no knowledge of this”.


Trisha Anderson congressional hearing page 105-109 Democrat and Republican questioning


Ms. Kim. Thank you. Democrat


Q: Ms. Anderson, do you have any reason to doubt the accuracy of Director Comey's oral or written representations of the facts from when he was the FBI Director?


A: His oral or written –


Q: Representations of the facts from when he was the FBI Director.



Q: I am asking if you have any evidence to doubt Director Comey's characterizations of his time as FBI Director, which he has detailed at remarkable length in his book, Higher Loyalty?


A: Sorry, reason to doubt anything that he said in his book?


Q: Yes.


A: There were – there were certainly things that were written in his book that I knew not to be accurate, based on things that I had learned in the course of my work at the FBI.


Q: I see. And were those – can you describe with a little more specificity what those details might have been, generally?


A: Sitting here today, I don't remember precisely what they were, but my sense was that Mr. Comey had misremembered a couple of different details when he was recounting certain episodes within the book.


Q: So you're aware of certain details that the Director may have misremembered. Are you aware of him purposely inaccurately representing any facts in the book?


A: I have no evidence that that occurred, no.


My comment to her answer above, OF COURSE SHE WOULDN’T HAVE any evidence to his thinking or intent, she’s not privy to Comeys thoughts while writing his stupid book




Q: BY MR. BAKER: Before we start, our process sometimes lends itself. to duplicity, so I apologize in advance for some questions that probably touch upon things you may have answered or exactly what you may have answered.


At the end of the last round, our colleagues from the minority staff had asked you a question about Mr. Comey's book, and you had indicated something to the effect there were parts of it or things in it that you thought were inaccurate.


A: That is correct.


Q: Could you elaborate on what those parts were?


A: There's only- I identified a couple of different inaccuracies when I- when I read the book. There's only. one that I remember sitting here today, though


Q: And what is that?


A: That pertains to a comment that he attributed – he attributes in the IG report to me during the meeting took place immediately preceding the October 28th letter was sent to Congress, in which he stated something to the effect of that I had asked whether we should take into account that sending the letter might bring about the election of Donald Trump. And that was not – that was, to my memory and to my knowledge, not an accurate statement.


Mr. Herrington: And you clarified your views on that in. the response to the IG?


Ms. Anderson:. That is correct.



Q: Would you clarify that for us?


A: I said – I said something to the effect of – and this should take into account the fact that it might affect the outcome of the election, given – especially given that we

weren't certain what we had was material, in fact it was unlikely that it would be material evidence, and given that whatever we would write about it in that letter, no matter. how carefully, could and would likely be over-read and overblown.



Q: So the discrepancy in Mr. Comey's book was that

there was a specific candidate name that was attributed to you rather than –


A: Correct.


Q:—just somehow affecting the election?


A: Correct.