Anonymous ID: 6d9472 May 25, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.6586579   🗄️.is 🔗kun

600,000 Migrants Enter Britain in One Year

More than 600,000 migrants arrived in the United Kingdom in 2018 — akin to the population of a city the size of Belfast.

The data, released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), said that over a quarter of a million more people arrived with the intention of staying 12 months than left in 2018.


In total over the previous 12 months, 602,000 new people migrated to Britian, while 343,000 emigrated — showing a continued strong trend towards overall net migration, totalling 258,000 people.


The UK also granted asylum, alternative forms of leave, or resettlement to 17,304 people in the year ending March 2019 — an increase on the previous year.


Grants of protection reached their highest number since 2003.


The ONS report said that “Since 2016, the pattern of migration to the UK for work has been changing. Long-term immigration to the UK for work has fallen, mainly driven by the decline in EU arrivals. Despite this, 99,000 EU citizens still came to the UK long-term to work in 2018, a level similar to 2012. We are also seeing the number of skilled work visas for non-EU citizens increasing, although overall non-EU work-related immigration has remained broadly stable.”


Alp Mehmet, vice chairman of the pressure group Migration Watch UK, said: “Overall net migration remains at more than a quarter of a million — still unacceptably high. And despite the uncertainty during 2018, nearly 75,000 more EU arrived than left, as well as 232,000 non-EU nationals.


“The clear message in these figures for the next Prime Minister is that they must make it a priority to deliver on the government’s pledge to reduce immigration levels by a lot, in line with the public’s wishes.”



Anonymous ID: 6d9472 May 25, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.6586857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meadows Nails Schiff Before Declassification of Russia Probe Docs: He Knows Info Will Point Finger at Dems

One of President Donald Trump’s staunch allies in the House, North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), teased the upcoming expected declassification of important documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.


During a Wednesday interview on Fox News’ “Hannity,” Meadows — the top Republican in the influential House Freedom Caucus — proclaimed that he and his Republican colleagues were in “a search for the truth” as they continue to release closed-door transcripts related to Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference.


“You got to get to the right time to release some of this stuff,”

said the North Carolina Republican. “For us, it’s about a search for the truth.”


Meadows then predicted the expected upcoming declassification of documents related to the Russia probe would contain information that would “curl your hair” and that Democrats are reacting so “visceral[ly]” because the Democrats — specifically House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) — “know” that the documents will point the “finger” back at the Democrats.


“There is information coming that will curl your hair. I can tell you that the reason why it is so visceral — the response from the Democrats is so visceral right now — is because they know, they’ve seen documents. Adam Schiff has seen documents that he knows will actually put the finger pointing back at him and his Democrat colleagues, not the president of the United States.”


Republican lawmakers are eagerly awaiting the expected declassification of documents related to the Russia investigation by the president, which they believe may contain transcripts from meetings between former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopolous and FBI informants.


As IJR Red previously reported, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) blasted the House Democratic leadership on Wednesday as engaging in “a coordinated effort to take down the president” through their multiple committee investigations of Trump.

Anonymous ID: 6d9472 May 25, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6587094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7235 >>7256


*John Brennan and other intelligence community operatives are circling the wagons against President Donald Trump’s declassification directive, claiming that it could expose top-secret sources and methods used in the Trump-Russia probe.

*But Brennan’s complaint may be misplaced given that virtually all of the significant leaks about sources and methods used in the investigation have been given to left-leaning news outlets.

*In one case, FBI official Peter Strzok expressed concerns that the CIA was leaking inaccurate information about the intelligence gathered on Trump associates.

Former intelligence community officials, including former CIA director John Brennan, have expressed concern over President Donald Trump’s declassification order due the potential release of CIA sources and methods.


“The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad — those who share this sensitive information with us,” Brennan said on MSNBC on Friday.


But Brennan’s concern, which was echoed by other intelligence community veterans and TV pundits on Friday, may be misplaced.


Government officials who appear to not be allies of Trump have been behind countless leaks of classified information regarding sources, methods and investigative targets in the Trump-Russia probe. Some of the leaks have disclosed the existence of surveillance warrants and FBI informants used against the Trump campaign.


In one case, the FBI official who led the investigation into Russian interference, Peter Strzok, believed that the CIA was leaking highly classified assessments about Russia’s election-related activities to the press.


“I’m beginning to think the agency got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us. Might explain all these weird/seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some of the leaks,” Strzok wrote in a text message on April 13, 2017.


Strzok expressed similar concern in a text message months earlier.


“Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried and political, they’re kicking in to overdrive,” Strzok wrote on Dec. 15, 2016, a day after NBC News reported that the CIA believed that Vladimir Putin directed the computer hacks against Democrats.


The New York Times has since reported that a person close to Putin is the CIA’s lone source for the information about Putin. The Times reported on Friday that current and former intelligence community officials are concerned that the source (who the newspaper identified as a man) could be in danger because of Trump’s declassification order.


But there is no indication that Trump’s order will lead to the disclosure of top-secret sources, including those working inside the Kremlin.


On Thursday, Trump directed the heads of various intelligence community agencies, including the FBI and CIA, to provide materials to Attorney General William Barr as part of a review he is conducting of surveillance activities directed at the Trump campaign.


Barr has said that he believes that “spying” occurred against the Trump campaign, and that he is investigating whether it was legal or illegal.


Trump also granted Barr the authority to declassify documents as he sees fit. Brennan said Friday that he is concerned that Barr will release highly sensitive information in “willy nilly” fashion.

Anonymous ID: 6d9472 May 25, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6587202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7206 >>7212 >>7223

HUGE: California and Los Angeles County to Remove Up To 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle @JudicialWatch Fed Lawsuit. Congrats to @JudicialWatch legal team that did the heavy lifting to achieve this success! … …

Anonymous ID: 6d9472 May 25, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6587210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


UPDATE: we have been notified by Snopes that this story is not true. We would like to retract it. Ocasio-Cortez did not appear on The Price Is Right and guess that everything is free. We apologize for the confusion.



Anonymous ID: 6d9472 May 25, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6587236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TwatFags . . . you know what to do!



Do you think @JohnBrennan is trying to obstruct justice by calling upon Dan Coats and Gina Haspel to "Stand-up" to DOJ & AG Barr Review and @POTUS' Declassification Order?