Anonymous ID: 8d180d May 25, 2019, 9:21 a.m. No.6586613   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7203

Kanye West: "Liberals Bully People Who Are Trump Supporters"


Sounding far more cogent - and more restrained - than he did during that impromptu White House press conference, Kanye West sat down for an hour-long interview with David Letterman for one of the opening episodes of the second season of Letterman's Netflix show: "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction."


Now, the new season isn't slated for release until next week. But in a preview, the Daily Beast essentially recounts the highlights from the interview, including a statement volunteered by Kanye - because Letterman has opted not to bring up President Trump during these interviews.

Kanye said his decision to wear a 'Make America Great Again' hat isn't about politics - it's about "breaking the stigma" surrounding showing support for the president.


Then, of course, there is Kanye’s bizarre love affair with President Donald Trump. When Letterman had Obama on his show last year, he pointedly did not ask him to address his successor directly and again here he does not bring up Trump. But thankfully, Kanye does it for him.


In the midst of a somewhat confusing argument about his "fear" as a man during the #MeToo movement, Kanye says, "This is like my thing with Trump - we don’t have to feel the same way, but we have the right to feel what we feel."


When he wears his "Make America Great Again" hat, he says it's "not about politics" but rather an attempt to break the stigma around showing support for Trump.


Letterman follows up by asking Kanye if he voted for President Trump, to which Kanye replied: "I've never voted in my life."


"Did you vote for Trump?" Letterman asks him.


"I’ve never voted in my life," Kanye answers.


"Then you don’t have a say in this," Letterman shoots back to cheers from the audience.


Letterman then tries to steer the conversation toward Republican 'voter suppression' tactics, but Kanye clearly isn't having it; instead, he launches into a tangent comparing Liberals to high school bullies.


From there, Letterman tries to get Kanye to condemn the Republican-led voter suppression efforts during the most recent midterm elections. "So if I see a person that I admire talking about Donald Trump can think whatever he does," he says, "I wonder if those thoughts, indirectly, aren’t hurting people who are already being hurt."


Instead of addressing Letterman’s point, Kanye turns around and expresses sympathy for Trump voters who are “treated like enemies of America because that’s what they felt.” After Letterman makes his forceful case against the idea that Trump is some sort of savior to those who voted for him, Kanye takes a long pause.


"Have you ever been beat up in your high school for wearing the wrong hat?" he asks eventually. Asked who is doing the bulk of the bullying in America right now, he replies, "Liberals bully people who are Trump supporters!"


That's a comment that will almost inevitably inspire mobs of liberals to bully Kanye on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: 8d180d May 25, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.6586944   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6966 >>6995


it's pretty slow-which is nice. The gold stuff is not going to have much in the way of sauced things. The other thing was a sauced article about how the pentagon/c_a created all the tech co's with our money so we essentially own them. Not a surprise, but having a published story saying that…is.

Anonymous ID: 8d180d May 25, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.6587001   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Bankers Stunned as Negative Rates Sweep Across Danish Mortgages


(Bloomberg) – At the biggest mortgage bank in the world’s largest covered-bond market, a banker took a few steps away from his desk this week to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.


As mortgage-bond refinancing auctions came to a close in Denmark, it was clear that homeowners in the country were about to get negative interest rates on their loans for all maturities through to five years, representing multiple all-time lows for borrowing costs.


“During this week’s auctions, there were three times when I had to stand back a little from the screen and raise my eyebrows somewhat,” said Jeppe Borre, who analyzes the mortgage-bond market from a unit of the Nykredit group that dominates Denmark’s $450 billion home-loan industry.


For one-year adjustable-rate mortgage bonds, Nykredit’s refinancing auctions resulted in a negative rate of 0.23%. The three-year rate was minus 0.28%, while the five-year rate was minus 0.04%.


Denmark’s Government Bond Yield Curve


The record-low mortgage rates, which don’t take into account the fees that homeowners pay their banks, are the latest reflection of the global shift in the monetary environment as central banks delay plans to remove stimulus amid concerns about economic growth.


Denmark has had negative rates longer than any other country. The central bank in Copenhagen first pushed its main rate below zero in the middle of 2012, in an effort to defend the krone’s peg to the euro. The ultra-low rate environment has dragged down the entire Danish yield curve, with households in the country paying as little as 1% to borrow for 30 years. That’s considerably less than the U.S. government.


In AAA-rated Denmark’s government bond market, yields are negative right through to the 10-year segment.

Anonymous ID: 8d180d May 25, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6587029   🗄️.is đź”—kun


and the beauty of that was bitcon-not a typo-tanked shortly after.

>gold stash in the Phillippines

you remember the restaurant incident with hussein?-that surely connected. I was still lurking then but watched it all.




that's it. Seeing that in print just cranks up the burner. Spouse and I have a theory that all these sjw's, when faced with the actual truth will just say "oh…I knew it" rather than admit they never accepted it prior.