Anonymous ID: cc233c May 25, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.6586638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6692




>>>6585860 5.1 earthquake Tokyo a few hours before POTUS arrival (GodEmperorZilla)


The biggest unacknowledged elephant in the room (besides the JQ prison trustees):


Weather engineering!


Anyone who has actually done some digging NOT seeing the blatant, in your face use of esoteric weapons as accumulated evil resists the inevitable awakening?


Missing the nice coordination between the use of these weapons and the globalist war against the world BUT ESPCIALLY, against the united States?


The weather events in this year alone are so obvious they seem to come from a crappy corporate sci-fi plot.


• Cyclone bombs?

• Flooding in the bread basket of America?

• Perfectly timed AND placed earthquake in Japan?


"Skeptical anons" cannot believe that the existence of such level of weaponry could be kept secret?

In an age where 80% pay no attention to anything other than the corporate media Matrix?


When the captured minions get a clue about the SCOPE of this war, the war will already be over and won!


Indeed, this IS bigger than most can imagine, apparently, including anons!