Anonymous ID: 2553e6 May 25, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6587889   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7946

It looks like POTUS is going to play dumb about Q until the sword comes out (even if we won't).


First check the delta graphic. Some Anon (not me) calculated this interdasting delta between the notorious covfefe twat and the 3/28 twat on the Fake News. Recall that that was the same day that Q did all the #FLAGSOUT posts. That Anon observed that the covfefe twat marked the beginning of the overt battle against the Fake News, and the new twat was somehow a marker for the end.


I followed up on this and posted some analysis on the devilish delta: 666 days, 6 hours, 6 minutes, 49 seconds. This seems to be intended, but it is an odd delta to choose. But think it out: the "secret" is Q. Q is how POTUS has learned to live with the Fake News Media, inasmuch as Q allows the message to get out, no matter what they do. But consider that "someday" may be "sum day" and add 17. You get 666 days, 6 hours, 6 minutes, 66 seconds. Uh oh! Are we being duped by Satan?! Not in this, at least. That's not how you write that. You write it 666 days, 6 hours, 7 minutes, 6 seconds. What looks like the moment of Satanic triumph turns into defeat, once you see past the surface.


Now look back to the Q post where Q said that the last BOOM would be magical. The next post mentioning magic links to a "Magic Sword" video (and all subsequent posts) mentioning magic also mention a magic sword. I think we are meant to take this as a clue that the final BOOM will be when the sword comes out.


The length of the Magic Sword video is 6 minutes, 49 seconds. No coincidences. So I think this is additional confirmation that the Magic Sword is the final boom.


But it also suggests that POTUS will continue to play dumb about Q until AFTER the sword comes out. However, that does not mean that WE will remain quiet. Anons will drop truth bombs when we get the signal, which will happen beforehand. They can't just start arresting people until more people get a glimpse of the truth.


And note that post 6666676 is approaching. It might seem too far off to suppose that it will play a role if things go down very soon, but if POTUS tweets "the Storm is upon us" then I suppose the breads will be flying.

Anonymous ID: 2553e6 May 25, 2019, 1:17 p.m. No.6587985   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


When did POTUS post the first "my fellow Americans" RT vs when I did I post here mentioning that very text and also including the with the words pre-event? They have already proved that at the very least they have the tech to monitor you before you post and here it is again.