Anonymous ID: 2cb80a May 25, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6587723   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was here yesterday when someone put up the @beer parade tweet…

I cannot even begin to tell you how I kept thinking about that post & majority of replies to it…

I actually woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night & could not go back to sleep for hours, as "that reaction" was all I could think about…

Just thinking of all we have learned over the past few years, how Sick & Evil these people are, how many times these sickos have tried to kill my President & Flotus & family members…

These bastards would not think twice, or even blink to put a bullet in the head of anyone who defies them…

They torture and/ or murder small children…

They rip babies out of women's wombs…

I do not have a speck of sympathy for the hideous evil monsters who do these demonic acts…
