Anonymous ID: 859f95 May 25, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6587508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Random update…

MAGA Coalition has been working to stop blanketing all of us into the Paytriot bullshit.


I'm thinking that's why Q pointed them out.

What they were doing was akin to holding Trump responsible for the actions and existence of David Duke.


They use a lot of straw men.

They will say anything about anyone without hesitation nor regard for reality.


But it's started to sink in that we are not the boogieman that the MAGA Glowalition was attempting to make us out to be.


All they needed was a quick smack on the lip to wake the fuck up.

None of their leftist tactics were working against us because that's a meaningless tactic here.

They admit that the anti-semitic stuff is all just /pol/ trying to troll us, but that never caused a war between them and /qresearch/ as was hoped.


Long story short, they're coming around.

They know they can't lie to and about autists without penalty…

And it seems they'd prefer to not receive it, so they've backed the fuck down.

Anonymous ID: 859f95 May 25, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6587766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well this is some bullshit if Kai's story is true…


Former Internet Star ‘Kai The Hitchhiker’ Found Guilty Of Murder