Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6587493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7515

>>6587277 PB and the B before that too

Am with whole famdamily this wknd, interruptions


Moar Bob Levinson digs











May 21

Replying to




and 2 others

Iran knowingly allowed members of Al-Qaida, including multiple hijackers, to travel through Iran on their way to training in Afghanistan. Iran has repeatedly imprisoned Americans without due process for years. FBI agent Bob Levinson ring any bells?!


Lawrence Moore



May 18

FBI agent Bob Levinson and FBI agent Bruce Schulz have both exhibited indications and signs, that they were victims of the Deep State Shadow government criminal enterprise… As well as signs that they were most likely dosed to their end…




VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Let me zero in on one issue. Former FBI agent Bob Levinson. We had his son on the other night. He's still – he got picked up in Iran in 2007. And the deal was struck with Iran and he didn't come home as part of the deal. What would you advise Donald Trump to do if anything about Bob Levinson, if he is alive? SESSIONS: He has got to make that a part of our negotiating relationship with Iran. Iran is a nation that shoves us hard. They are very relentless, tough negotiators. Trump has said time and again, you need to know how to walk away from a negotiation when it's going nowhere. The problem with the Obama administration was they got so committed, years went by and they were afraid to walk away, eventually and ended up with a bad deal.



(Hillary interviewed on CBS Face the Nation)


JOHN DICKESON: former fbi agent is still in iran, do you believe that the iranians know where he is and if so why wasn't he a part of this deal? HILLARY CLINTON: well, i regret deeply that bob levinson was not on his way home either. i hope and expect that the iranians will continue to be pressed very, very hard to give up any information they have and if possible to return bob levinson to his home and family.


More hits from archives:


#6382934 at 2019-05-01 19:24:07 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8162: Captcha The Flag Edition


Sasse forgets that Deripaska was engaged by Mueller's FBI (specifically McCabe) to try and get bob levinson out of Iran. And then got screwed by HRC's State Department.


#6177302 at 2019-04-14 22:57:00 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7899: Trump Curse In Reverse. The Lions, Tigers, and Beers Edition



Adam Waldman - Julian Assange connection.


Waldman is Depp's lawyer


How does Adam Waldman tie in with bob levinson? Oh that digging is pure GOLD!


#6176862 at 2019-04-14 22:04:51 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7898: Strait Is The Gate And Narrow Is The Way Edition


What if the key is bob levinson?

Adam Waldman - Assange-

Oleg Deripaska - FBI - Mueller


Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.6587515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7552


This anon dog has a bone to work on today, and it is Bob Levinson

Every time you feel yourself going soft on these criminal freaks, look at the body count again. Those people deserve justice.


Another Levinson crumb from the archives:


Since Q posted a pic that anons tracked to Iran:


>Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/08/19 (Fri) 04:28:54 285835 (3) No.5569206


#4284120 at 2018-12-13 02:43:54 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #5458: Google Audit Edition


The U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller - former director of the FBI - failed to act on intelligence confirming al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was in Iran for years after 9/11, according to explosive revelations in a new book blowing the roof off the Deep State.


Mueller was FBI director spanning the time bin Laden had been tucked away in safe houses in Iran with his family. But Mueller ignored intelligence from well-placed informants that bin Laden was in Iran, according to PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI in Our Pajamas.


During the same time that FBI executives were sitting on the bombshell information about bin Laden's whereabouts, bob levinson mysteriously disappeared in Iran in 2007. Even after Levinson's capture in Iran, FBI executives still took no action to act on intelligence pointing to bin Laden's residency in Iran.


Instead, under Mueller, the FBI covered up the bombshell Intel pouring in from federal agents and informants. Meanwhile, bin Laden was public enemy Number One, at the top of the FBI's Most Wanted list, yet the FBI did nothing to pursue credible intelligence he was living in Iran.


And now Mueller is investigating President Trump.


Even Barack Obama's $151 Billion ransom paid to Iran in the form of a "nuclear deal," freed all other American hostages held in Iranian captivity, except for Levinson.


Why? Does Levinson too know the details of the Saudi government's secret deal with Iran to safeguard bin Laden and his al-Qaeda deputies after 9/11 in Iran?


More importantly, were efforts to bring Levinson home intentionally botched by high-ranking FBI executives? The operation was spearheaded by now-disgraced FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe who is under federal investigation in late 2013. By then James Comey had taken the reigns of the FBI from the retired Mueller.


Comey and McCabe. The FBI duo who allowed Hillary Clinton to skate, now in charge of a hostage recovery operation in Iran. One can guess how this turned out.


FBI agents said FBI bosses tampered with the Levinson rescue case and it went sideways, despite the tireless efforts of the Burea's rank-and-file to bring him home.


Eight months after the Boston marathon bombing, FBI agents experienced problematic case meddling by FBI bosses, sources said.


Levinson is a former Drug Enforcement Administration and Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who disappeared in Iran in 2007, where he remains captive today.


U.S. officials believed Levinson was grabbed by Iranian intelligence to be dangled as a bargaining chip in sanction negotiations with Washington. After, of course, he was interrogated and likely tortured. Levinson was likely working an OP for the CIA at the time of his arrest, according to numerous public sources.


When FBI team members pitched other ways they thought they could help free Levinson from Iran, the ideas were shot down, squelched or stalled by bosses.


Now, after revelations shine a light on the U.S. intelligence agencies ignoring credible intelligence about bin Laden living in Iran - and operating al-Qaeda from Iran - are we to believe that the government didn't leave Levinson in Iran because he knew this too? And presumably would talk about it publicly if and when he was freed and back in the United States.


More than plausible in the Deep State, where bin Laden was left free to operate al-Qaeda with the blessing of the United States' corrupt officials after waging jihad against its citizens.


Moore's new book, PAINE: How We Dismantled the FBI In Our Pajamas, details, and documents this incredible American betrayal. Moore was targeted by the FBI while researching this story and his home was invaded by FBI agents twice, pointing guns at his young children and wife, as detailed in the book.


This new story on Levinson is developing.



Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6587552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7559 >>7993


Another Levinson crumb


#3726760 at 2018-11-04 16:47:27 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #4733: Peaches And Volunteers Edition



Connect it to other recent stories of HRC wiretapping anyone pursuing OBL leads, and bob levinson working with free lancers ejected from CIA/FBI, and it explains why they had to let him die in some Iranian prison. He likely found OBL, but couldn't be allowed to tell his tale.


The Iran deal was the coverup.

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6587559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7589 >>7594 >>7613


Sorry my tism is getting fixated on particular research subjects

Sometimes it's useful, sometimes not


#2943751 at 2018-09-09 09:49:19 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3724: God Given Freedom Edition


Fiona Hill worked for Chemonics.

It's a DNC hangout.


Nellie Ohr ghost wrote a book on how Stalin used universities in America to Exfiltrate secrets to Russia. Did she use "GCHQ" NSA Contractors to deep dive on Trump's campaign. Bob Otto is the go between to bob levinson in Iran. Fiona "Spy Ring in the White House" Hill is there too


Awww man, look


"To best respond to the needs of our beneficiaries and clients, Chemonics has seven regional business units: Afghanistan, Asia, East and Southern Africa, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, and West and Central Africa and Haiti. Recognizing the tailored needs of global health and supply chain solutions, Chemonics also has business units that serve those technical areas. In addition, each business unit houses a cross-cutting technical practice team that leads industry outreach, promotes innovation, and supports business development and project performance across the company and throughout the world. Our six support units - Strategic Solutions and Communications, Finance and Accounting, Human Resources, Executive Division, Information and Technology, and Risk Management - underpin our commitment to learning, business ethics, supporting our industry, and managing our business and projects to the highest standards."



Uh, yeah, apparently


Trump can fire Fiona TOMORROW

NSA is probably up right now too working


Speculation by George Webb that this is all CIA vs. DIA

Both of them are threatened by open source (that's US)

"You have more than you know"

"The people have the power"


Weapons for drugs, pay to play, worldwide.



#2553913 at 2018-08-11 17:48:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3222: GAA bakes since a while Edition


Mike Gaeta, Andrew McCabe, bob levinson Club K (or Kompromat)…..This whole Russia thing is run by Oleg Deripaska and Andy McCabe as a weapons for drugs, weapons for uranium operations….

DeClassify, DeClassify, DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,DeClassify, DeClassify,

Get IT Done!!!!!!


#2491887 at 2018-08-07 06:40:25 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3143 Tis Well in Bakerland Anons, Fear Not!! Edition


>>2491298 (LB)

>re: 2009 Iranian hostages - This piece of information may be useful if charges are made that he is somehow a spy. __ besides writing a book about the former president, is _.

hmmm. CIA agent bob levinson??

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6587589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7605


#2296324 at 2018-07-26 17:37:08 (UTC+1)

Q Research #2893: The 'Bad Weather' Edition


I could be wrong but I'm fairly sure mueller hates Hillary for her general cuntness and how she fucked over bob levinson for no apparant reason starting to think even some of the military industrial complex hates these people for their traitorious scumbagging


#2190996 at 2018-07-17 23:23:42 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #2762: Thunderdomes



You would think at the very least the press would be asking about bob levinson. That, my friends, is a subject that the Obama admin officials desperately want to avoid!


#2181658 at 2018-07-17 04:08:39 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #2750: Submit to the Summit Edition



family took my pot cuz i told them about this and they thought i was insane

that and a panic attack


and if anyone is wondering if mueller is on the team or not

he has a reason to hate hrc

she screwed him over on bob levinson


#1512054 at 2018-05-23 03:19:58 (UTC+1)

Research General #1899: War against baby eaters edition




In his first major foreign policy address on Monday, Pompeo said Iran had failed to free American detainees, including(((Baquer Namazi, Siamak Namazi, Xiyue Wang and bob levinson))), even during a time when Washington gave Tehran sanctions relief under the 2015 nuclear deal.


In August 2016, Wang, a naturalized American citizen from China, was arrested in Iran while researching Persian history for his doctoral thesis at Princeton University. He was sentenced to 10 years on an espionage charge.


(((Levinson is a former FBI agent who has been missing in Iran for more than a decade.)))


Iranian officials said they could be open to discussing the prisoner release if the U.S. changed its hostile approach and engaged with Iran in a respectful way.


#1512022 at 2018-05-23 03:17:47 (UTC+1)

Research General #1899: War against baby eaters edition



bob levinson ? is he still alive


#1413670 at 2018-05-15 04:37:37 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1773: Q Bringing The Pain



She's on Twitter


She's amazing and has had her life destroyed by McCabe and crew for doing the right thing. She was constantly fighting to bring bob levinson home. They hated that Flynn defended her and tried to destroy his life too.



Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6587594   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hell, if Nellie Ohr was using GCHQ/NSA contractors to deep dive on Trump's campaign (and the others)

No wonder Bob Hannigan noped the hell out of GCHQ

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6587605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7618


Last Bob Levinson crumbs from archives


#1413546 at 2018-05-15 04:28:53 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1773: Q Bringing The Pain


Last bread:







He has to be a key of some sort for him not to have been brought back with the other "hostages" and to have been BLOCKED by HRC.


#760633 at 2018-03-23 01:52:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #942: Welcome Amb Bolton! Edition



Dun dun dun…


bob levinson?


breathes in deeply


Damn, anons been guessing this for months.

Wonder why POTUS needed him so long?


#697956 at 2018-03-17 18:36:05 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #Q Research General #864:


@comey tweeted last week about bob levinson, the former special agent who disappeared in Iran 11 years ago


Tied to Q's hostage post? It would be Amazing if they brought him home

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6587648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7700

More digs on Levinson, 1 of 2


he plans were ready; the $250,000 payoff cash was committed. On December 10, 2018, a former Air Force intelligence officer named Bob Kent was planning to board a plane in New York for the Middle East on a most improbable secret mission: freeing Robert Levinson from Iran.


Levinson, an ex–FBI agent well into a second career as a private detective, had disappeared over a decade earlier from a hotel on Iran’s Kish Island. He had been seen only twice since then, first in a hostage video his family received from unknown intermediaries in 2010, then in photos three years later, showing the then-63-year-old increasingly haggard and begging for help.


At first, the U.S. government claimed it had no knowledge of why Levinson, an expert on Russian organized crime, had gone to Iran. The Iranian regime denied it was holding him. But in 2013, the Associated Press and other news outlets revealed that the ex-agent had gone to Kish on an off-the-books CIA mission to probe high-level Iranian money laundering.


To the Levinson family, that explained why the government had not adequately pursued his release over the years, or in a prisoner swap the Obama administration conducted with Iran: He was an embarrassment to both the FBI and CIA. The possibility also existed that rival factions in Iran had not been able to agree on his release after years of denying it had him.


Desperate, the family put its own plans in motion to win his release. In doing so, they shared the plight of scores of families whose loved ones had been snatched by the Iranians (or Hezbollah, their Lebanese proxy) over the decades, including, at present, four other Americans and a U.S. permanent resident held by Iran. Levinson’s past FBI employment, and then revelations of his murky CIA mission, lent his case more gravity, of course, not to mention mystery. But in 2013, Levinson earned yet another dubious distinction: He became the longest held U.S. hostage in American history. March 9 will mark the 12th anniversary of his disappearance.


And what a tangled web his case inspired. Kent would be just the latest in a chain of unlikely players in the hunt for the missing man, including a onetime Iranian assassin, a retired detective with CIA connections, an ex–FBI agent, a former federal prosecutor, a Philadelphia truck driver and Russian mobsters.


"For years, there’s been a steady parade of well-meaning, crazy and even corrupt people who have tried to help the Levinson family or tried to use Bob’s case to help themselves,” Barry Meier, author of 2016’s Missing Man: The American Spy Who Vanished in Iran, tells Newsweek. “It’s enough to make your head spin.”


Kent’s mission, like all the other private efforts to locate and win Levinson’s release, came to nil. Not for lack of resources—money men “with CIA connections,” as three sources involved in the case described them, had offered to pay Kent’s Iranian helpers $100,000 for a proof-of-life package, including fingerprints, a blood sample and what they claimed was a recent, 41-second video clip of Levinson, who would be 71 on March 10. “Another $150,000” would be needed “for the rescue,” Kent says. But just as Kent readied to leave for the airport three months ago, the federal government got in the way, he says, refusing to issue the Americans a waiver from the Trump administration’s sanctions on Iran to permit the payments.


“I received a phone call informing me that the funding was withdrawn because the State Department and/or FBI threatened my sponsors” with prosecution, Kent tells Newsweek.


To Levinson family attorney David McGee, a former federal prosecutor who had several meetings with government officials on the case over the years, the last-minute abort of Kent’s mission fit a long pattern of official neglect and sometimes outright interference in efforts to free the former FBI agent.


“I am continually astounded and dismayed at the failure of the government of the United States, through three administrations, to bring Bob Levinson home,” McGee tells Newsweek. “He was taken by enemies of this country while in its service. There is no moral justification for their failure to do what is necessary to bring him home.”

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6587700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7713


2nd Newsweek article


The FBI took sharp umbrage at McGee’s judgment. “While we cannot discuss how we handle particular investigations, over the past 12 years, the FBI has worked diligently to follow every credible lead to determine the whereabouts of Bob Levinson and will continue to do so,” the bureau says in a statement to Newsweek. “Bob spent 22 years serving as an FBI special agent, and as we mark the anniversary of his disappearance, our resolve to find him only increases.”


Meanwhile, the bureau has posted a $5 million reward for "information that could lead to Bob Levinson’s safe return."


Kent, who had been collecting threat intelligence for corporate clients in the Middle East for several years since his 2007 Air Force discharge, got involved in the Levinson case last April “in response to an informal FBI inquiry,” he says. He had been tracking the movements of Iranian operatives, particularly Saif al-Adel, an Egyptian-born militant on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list suspected of working for Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.


Hoping to land a government intelligence contract, he reached out to FBI counterterrorism agents. But they were skeptical about his sources, he says; as a kind of test, they “sarcastically” told him to "find Bob Levinson." Two months later, he came back with assurances he could obtain proof-of-life evidence and perhaps even more.


Kent’s main FBI contact (a counterterrorism agent whose name Newsweek is withholding at the bureau’s request) “thanked me for sharing my information, promised to investigate the background information I shared and told me repeatedly that arranging the proof-of-life meeting in Iraq would be ‘incredibly complex,’” Kent says. The agent said he would get back with an update within 10 days. He also “recommended I not contact McGee,” Kent says—the FBI privately dismisses the lawyer as “a meddler”—but Kent rejected the suggestion. Since July, he’s been “working for McGee pro bono,” he says.


Months went by without further word from the FBI. A group in Northern Virginia “with ties to the CIA” that had volunteered to finance the proof-of-life mission—and whom Kent, McGee and others involved declined to identify—was standing by. But as it turns out, moneymen have often been attracted to the Levinson cause—some of it from troubling sources.


One such was Oleg Deripaska, the Russian aluminum tycoon who would be sanctioned by the Treasury Department in 2018 for “a range of malign activity around the globe.” A decade earlier, hoping he might earn points toward solving his visa problems with the U.S., “Deripaska announced he was willing to fund a search [for Levinson] and pay any ransom needed to free Bob,” according to Meier’s authoritative account. “Bureau officials were elated.” In the end, nothing came of it.


The same offer came from an even more odious Russian figure with U.S. legal problems. Notorious mobster Semion Mogilevich, who occupies a spot on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list in connection with an alleged massive stock swindle, telegraphed U.S. officials through intermediaries that he would finance a Levinson rescue effort. The involvement of Mogilevich, often dubbed “the most dangerous criminal in the world,” was hugely ironic: As an FBI agent and private investigator, Levinson had been tracking Mogilevich for years. “I don’t know his motivation,” Kent says of Mogilevich, but “he backed out.“


“We had several other people offer to put up the money,” Kent adds, provided they could persuade the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which administers and enforces economic and financial sanctions, to grant them a waiver.


They couldn’t. But soon after Kent’s aborted December trip, McGee met with FBI agents and sensed a new, more cooperative mood at the bureau. He came away thinking the FBI was going to help fund the $100,000 proof-of-life payment—after it vetted the material as genuine—but those prospects soon dissolved. Then, in an early February meeting, Kent and McGee had with several officials at the State Department, Robert O’Brien, the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs, told them that if OFAC cleared the deal and the Defense Department authorized it, the Joint Special Operations Command might be able to assist with the Levinson mission.


McGee soon got a personal meeting scheduled with a sanctions official at Treasury to pursue the waiver issue. At the last minute, however, the department canceled the February 8 appointment. “We were back to square one,” McGee says. (A Treasury spokesman asked that Newsweek not identify the official by name and refused to discuss the case further.) Kent’s appeals to various congressional offices were also fruitless.

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6587713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7727


3rd part Newsweek article


Meanwhile, another private group was angling to locate Levinson, this one sparked by a most unlikely character. Walton Martin, a Philadelphia-area truck driver and former Marine, tells Newsweek he became obsessed with Iran during the 1979-81 hostage crisis, in which revolutionary-minded students in Tehran stormed the U.S. Embassy and captured 52 U.S. diplomats and citizens. Eventually, he launched a one-man project to aid Iranian defectors and refugees in Turkey, working closely with the U.N. high commissioner for refugees’ office in the capital city of Ankara.


Over time, he developed a constant stream of intelligence from inside Iran, some of it related to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s operations and, eventually, on Levinson’s purported whereabouts. He began sharing it with the FBI. They developed a close relationship, judging by several emails Martin shared with Newsweek.

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His FBI handlers, whose names Newsweek is withholding out of concern for their personal safety, were excited. “There is a definite ‘buzz’ in the govt about our missing friend,” one of the agents told him in a July 27, 2017, email, “and part of it is you working nonstop on it—I am relaying everything you are telling me to the people that need it.”


Martin eventually found his way to yet others working privately on Levinson. One was Joseph O’Brien, a former FBI agent who had led the bureau’s 1980s investigation of Paul Castellano, head of the Gambino crime family. He had considered Levinson a mentor when they worked together in New York. In 2016, O’Brien and another ex–FBI colleague offered the bureau help on Levinson with their own Iranian-exile contacts but were rebuffed. “They told us to get lost, basically,” O’Brien told Newsweek last year.


Eventually, Martin and O’Brien began working together and getting their own reports from inside Iran on Levinson’s purported whereabouts and offers of proof-of-life evidence—but, as with McGee and Kent, for a price. Now, the government demanded to know what they had and how they got it. Martin, wary of the FBI’s handling of the case, refused. On February 22, 2018, he was subpoenaed by Tejpal Chawla, an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, demanding he appear before a grand jury with “all letters, correspondence and reports related to” Levinson’s “whereabouts, condition and location.” In a tense meeting with Justice Department officials, Martin handed over his information, and the subpoena was withdrawn. O’Brien says he later delivered packages of their Iranian reports to the offices of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and White House national security adviser John Bolton. They got no response, but the FBI later told Martin it was “skeptical” about the authenticity of his Iranian sources and reports. (A Farsi speaker who examined a handful of the reports for Newsweek identified some of them as “obvious forgeries.”)


Martin is bitter about his treatment by the FBI. “I don't work on a one-way street and to be frank, the Bureau will need to subpoena me again before they get a damn thing from me,” he told McGee in an email he shared with Newsweek. “I'm working to get Bob home and I will NOT willingly submit to threats, intimidation or interference from anyone, including USG and FBI. We are much closer to bringing Bob home than the Bureau is.”


But O’Brien, partnered with Martin, persisted with developing sources in Iran. They were also joined by a retired Washington, D.C., detective who had worked on counterterrorism cases with the CIA and FBI. The detective, who asked not to be named because of his continuing government work, tells Newsweek that in the spring of 2018 he met with Abolfazl Bahram Nahidian, a radical Virginia imam who is considered close to Iran and whose contacts might offer a back channel on Levinson.


One of the imam’s contacts, according to the detective, was David Belfield, an African-American convert to Islam who had taken the name Dawud Salahuddin and in 1980 carried out an assassination of an anti-regime activist in Potomac, Maryland. Decades later in Iran, he was offering himself up to journalists and others as a source of information and analysis on the regime.

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6587727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Last part Newsweek article on Levinson

Sorry about the junk pasta in prev post


It was Salahuddin whom Levinson flew to Kish Island to meet in March 2007, to discuss high-level Iranian money laundering abroad. And it was Salahuddin whom Levinson’s wife, Christine, reached out to after he disappeared. But the imam claimed to have no specific knowledge of the Levinson affair and referred the detective to the Pakistan Embassy, which handles Iran’s affairs in Washington, D.C.


Salahuddin had insisted to Christine that he had nothing to do with her husband’s disappearance; Iranian agents had hustled him from the hotel where they met. He himself had suffered from their connection, Salahuddin said, with authorities refusing to give him a new passport or internal travel documents.


A former senior intelligence official responsible for Iran tells Newsweek the government believes, privately, that Levinson is dead. Officially, it maintains he’s alive, with the FBI calling the 12th anniversary of his disappearance “an opportunity for the leadership of the government of Iran to demonstrate its commitment to basic freedoms and civil rights and return Mr. Levinson home to his family.”


But Christine Levinson says the government has let her down. “Time and time again, Bob has been left behind, deprioritized or seemingly forgotten,” she told the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa and International Terrorism on March 7.


“My husband served this country tirelessly for decades,” she said. “He deserves better from all of us and from our government. He deserves our endless pursuit to bring him home, to fight day and night and leave no stone unturned.”

Anonymous ID: 8fe02e May 25, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.6587756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7792


Agreed. These criminals all knew perfectly well what they were doing, and exactly what the sentences could be.


Am very short on empathy for any of them, and that fact does not automatically render me sociopathic, either.


Empathy is for those who deserve it, not the geriatric criminals who chose to keep perpetrating corruption long past their sell-by dates. Pic related.