Anonymous ID: efb24c May 25, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6587555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7585 >>7593 >>7601

Good evening from ukanon.

Either DECLAS happens before President Trump gets to the UK or it does not or it does and not enough is released to implicate the UK, yet.

So, moves and counter moves.

Relevant info.

How much did Farage win by?

How much have They managed to get at the boxes of ballots conveniently stashed for two whole days and three nights before counting?

Remember, UK national security is at threat, technically justifying clandestine operations to rig the EU elections towards Remain, right?

Wrong. They will try BUT they are walking into a trap (have already). Same as in 2018, THE BALLOTS HAVE BEEN MARKED and the UK government did not know. Mark one to Whitehats.

Moves and counter-moves.

By the time POTUS gets to the UK, May is on her knees, the Royal Family is absolutely on its knees and even Boris is on his knees.

Trump Card, Diana evidence, vote rigging, EU vote rigging, Khan ties to terror, Blair ties to 7/7, you name it, POTUS has it.

He's in London to listen face to face to surrender terms.

He will give his answer once back aboard air force 1, it will depend on their terms and acceptance of terms, with assassination attempts, etc wrapped up in release of EVERYTHING… rape, snuff, children videos. ALL the blackmail held by the NSA's internet mirror released.

All Trident subs are neutralised (May neutralised). All French nuclear arms neutralised. All black OP Dolphin class subs neutralised.



The End Game is how they give up.

Their only option is a nuclear attack, asteroid strike, EMP or Canary Islands landslide. Game theory. Nothing can stop what is coming… Aliens are aligned with Predsident Trump and have been waiting for this, their Second Coming.

What Dreams May Come

Anonymous ID: efb24c May 25, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6587637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7656 >>7737





Boris is not going to be PM. He is MI6, so is Misfud. Both are C_A, that's how it works, if we hadn't figured that out yet. Hence Boris is guilty of Treason. He is ripe for being thrown under the bus and a remainer put in on the backlash. Predictable.

And that's the problem for them.

So entirely predictable in their fuckery, that POTUS with Thiel tech plus other helping hands, they have no upper hand. Because the truth is gaming the game.

They were fucked two years ago.

All they have done is make it far, far worse.

In game theory, you wait for the cover up.

The enemy destroys itself.

Desperation and calculation rarely go hand in hand successfully.

I would like to thank Q and POTUS, applying what I have learned from them had been a win win for everyone around me.

One day I will truly serve my country and be a best friend to the US whom I love dearly as a country.

Godspeed anons.

Anonymous ID: efb24c May 25, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6588021   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Pretty much every political crime in history has been prosecuted or was prosecutable because of the mess created in the cover-up.

We are aligned.

They are damned if they don't, damned if they do.

They never expected her to lose.

Anonymous ID: efb24c May 25, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6588115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8128 >>8167

Putting it out there.

A Phillip May (like Charles) just another hypocritical massively closeted bender (which is fine to be open about now) and May is his beard like Camilla (so many guys have fucked Charles it's as common knowledge in diplomatic circles as Harry not being his)?