Anonymous ID: f1626c May 25, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6588133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KYC (Know Your Customer) laws are used to control the people of the world and strangle anyone who isn't one of [THEM].


After 11 years as a good customer with an overseas financial institution, I am trying to withdraw my money. Suddenly, after all these years they want me to PROVE the details of where I got the money I initially invested with them 11 years ago!!! They want things like proof of a house sale from a decade ago and things like that. I don't even have the documents from that long ago–they've been lost in a lot of life's chaos.


The requested list of documents are quite lengthy and will NOT be easy to accumulate, and I think it's just a way to slow down or prevent withdrawals of our money altogether.


Of course the excuse the institution gives me is that KYC rules are to ensure I'm not a money launderer, even though it's obvious I'm not. They've never asked for any of this paperwork before either. It's not even that much money! But it's a lot to me because I don't even have a job anymore.


KYC laws were only invented to control and destroy the people of EARTH. If they think I'm a money launderer, they should have take their suspicions to a judge and get a warrant to demand I prove myself, not the other way around!


There is so much corruption in our world and especially in our financial system. All these institutions work together to benefit the Cabal and destroy us little guys!


It's hard to know what to do because everyone's situation is different. I do recommend anons try to keep a real chunk of their savings within their own arm's reach, especially if they're outside of America, the only free country on the planet. I'm not sure any of us are going to get out of this without some losses, though.


Fortunately, I started to mistrust this institution about a year ago (thanks to my research on here!) and I reduced my exposure to this institution. If I can't access my money it's still a lbig bite out of our savings, though. I think they might even be trying to steal our money before they go bankrupt (a real possibility).


We need real change on Planet Earth. It's well past the 11th hour. And a freed world is worth the loss of every penny I own anyway. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!