Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6588238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>8512

New Swiss Studies Claim 5G Increases Body Temperature of Insects. Old Research Claims 5G Causes The Same In Humans Along With Excessive Sweating.


Research has already determined that exposure to all sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation is harmful to all living beings – including insects.


New Swiss research has found that insects’ body temperature increase when exposed to 5G.




The Swiss organization Pro Natura has published new studies, which indicate that the frequencies used by 5G increase the body temperature of insects. Are we taking another step against nature?


Both insects and 5G need antennas: insects use them as an olfactory organ, and 5G use them to propagate waves, which are invisible, but not harmless. Now, new studies indicate that insects are sensitive to 5G waves: A recent study has shown that insects exposed to 5G radiation have experienced an increase in their body temperature.




The study is based on the fact that, with current development, telecommunication systems will move from 6 GHz used by 2G, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks to frequencies up to 120 GHz used by 5G networks. According to the scientists in charge, the frequency range around 6 GHz does not pose any risk to the health of insects, but from 10 GHz an increase in temperature is observed in the body of exposed individuals. This means that the use of the 5G could cause a reaction in insects, altering their behavior and physiology.


Research has also determined that humans exposed to 5G may experience an increase in body temperature which can cause excessive sweating.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.6588277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8311 >>8519 >>8678 >>8788 >>8889

Trump Urges Fairer Trade with Japan at Start of State Visit


Tokyo (AFP) – President Donald Trump Saturday vowed to make the US trade relationship with Japan a “little bit more fair”, as he kicked off a four-day visit to Tokyo aimed at cementing ties between the two close allies.


Trump’s four-day trip is expected to feature plenty of warm words and images as he plays golf and watches sumo with his “friend” Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister.


But the world’s top and third-biggest economies are also thrashing out a trade deal and Trump wasted no time in lashing out at what he sees as an imbalance between the pair.


“Japan has had a substantial edge for many, many years. But that’s OK, maybe that’s why you like us so much,” Trump told leaders from some of Japan’s leading companies, including Toyota, Honda and Nissan.


After a bilateral trade deal has been signed, it will be “a little bit more fair,” vowed the president.


“With this deal we hope to address the trade imbalance, remove the barriers to United States exports and ensure fairness and reciprocity in our relationship. We’re getting close,” said Trump.


He added: “We hope to have several further announcements soon and some very big ones over the next few months.”


Some observers suspect Abe is rolling out the red carpet to present Japan as the most favourable of the countries currently engaged in trade disputes with Washington but little concrete progress is expected with elections looming for the Japanese PM.


Japanese and US officials hail as “unprecedented” the relationship between Trump and his “golf buddy” Abe, and the pair are scheduled to again find time for a round to burnish their diplomatic bromance.


Just over an hour before Trump arrived, a 5.1-magnitude earthquake rattled buildings in Tokyo, with the epicentre very close to where the leaders are due to tee off.


The official centrepiece of the trip is Trump’s meeting on Monday with Japan’s new Emperor Naruhito, who only ascended the Chrysanthemum Throne at the beginning of the month following his father’s historic abdication for health reasons.


“With all the countries of the world, I’m the guest of honour at the biggest event that they’ve had in over 200 years,” said Trump before his departure.


But the visual highlight is more likely to be Trump’s visit on Sunday to the final day of the summer “basho” or sumo tournament where he is expected to present the trophy to the winner.


Japanese wrestler Asanoyama will receive the “president’s cup” — weighing 60-70 pounds (27-32 kilos) and measuring 54 inches (1.4 metres) — after his win as Trump was arriving on Saturday gave him a 12-2 record and put him out of reach on the final day.


Trump’s appearance at the hallowed sumo hall has presented a logistical, security and protocol nightmare, ranging from where he sits to how he should be protected if the crowd start throwing chair pillows — as tradition dictates when a Grand Champion (yokozuna) falls.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.6588339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8519 >>8678 >>8679 >>8788 >>8889

Turkey sends new shipment of weapons and equipment to terrorists in Idleb


Damascus, SANA – As part of its continuing support for terrorist organizations in Syria, the Turkish regime led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent a new shipment of weapons, ammo, and equipment to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Idleb.


Reuters quoted sources close to terrorist organizations in Syria as saying that the Turkish regime has sent new weapons supplies to the terrorists in an attempt to halt their recurring defeats in Hama and Idleb.


The sources said that during the past two days, a Turkish military convoy delivered a shipment containing tens of armored vehicles, Grad launchers, and TOW anti-tank guided missiles to terrorists near al-Zawiya mountain in Idleb countryside.


Turkish-Backed Militants Shell Civilian Areas In Northern Hama, Claim They Targeted Military Base


The Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) announced on May 24 that its fighters had shelled a “military base” of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the area of Braideej in the northern Hama countryside.


A short video released by the coalition’s media wing shows a barrage of Grad rockets being launched at the supposed “military base.”


Contrary to the NFL’s claims, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) revealed the rockets hit civilian areas in the town of al-Suqaylabiyah. The shelling caused material loses and even burned several farmlands in the town’s outskirt. However, no one was injured or killed.


“Firefighters cooperated with the locals, they rushed to deal with the fire, surrounded it and extinguished it, preventing it from spreading to additional fields,” the state-run agency’s reporter said.


In the last few weeks, Idlib militants stepped up their shelling on the civilian areas in northern Hama, especially al-Suqaylabiyah. On May 12, a rocket attack on the town claimed the lives of four children.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6588364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822

Was Israel behind 9/11? Adam Green vs. Elias Davidsson


The week’s biggest story: “Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks.” Adam Green of KnowMoreNews was the perfect co-host to discuss Israeli complicity in 9/11 in general, and the Dancing Israelis in particular.


The Dancing Israelis affair, on the face of it, seems to prove Mossad foreknowledge (and approval) of the demolition of the World Trade Center. Along with other evidence, both hard and circumstantial, it suggests that—as Alan Sabrosky once informed his US Army War College Colleagues—Israel was the main perpetrator of 9/11. The stunning MSM coverup of this information speak volumes about who controls “American” media.


But were the Dancing Israelis a bit too obvious in their celebration? Did they actually intend to get caught? Some folks here at VT think the Dancing Israelis affair was engineered to distract attention from the OTHER Israelis arrested in New York City on 9/11—the ones caught red-handed in trucks filled with explosives as they were about to blow up the George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln Tunnel. (Watch Bernard Kerik’s “guilty demeanor” as he dodges questions about the arrests and check out VT’s nuclear education series on 9/11.)


The wildest theory of all is implicit in Elias Davisson’s article below. Elias apparently thinks the Israelis implicated themselves in 9/11 as a favor to the real perpetrators. Such noble self-sacrificing behavior from our Likudnik Zionist friends would be rather extraordinary, no?


–Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Was Israel behind 9/11?


by Elias Davidsson, May 2019


Theories are generally classified into three categories: (1) Good theories; (2) Bad theories; and (3) Absurd theories.


A good theory is one that does not conflict with any authenticated fact, with physical laws and with common sense. A bad theory is one that conflicts with at least one of these points. An absurd theory is one that conflict with most facts, with physical laws and with common sense.


A certain number of persons are promoting the theory that Israel stands behind the attacks of 9/11, or at least actively facilitated the attacks. While none of the alleged facts conflict with this theory, some of these facts do conflict with common sense. For that reason, I submit that as long as the following questions are not satisfactorily answered, this theory must be regarded as a bad theory and the question arises why such a bad theory is being promoted.


  1. Why would Israeli operatives (a) conspicuously celebrate the burning Twin Towers; (b) travel subsequently through New York with the white van on the top of which they were seen celebrating; (c) transport box cutters, the iconic tool of the alleged hijackings; (d) leave in the van explosive residues; (e) carry cash in their socks; (f) tell on Israeli TV that their task was to “document the event”?


  1. Why would Israeli operatives pretending to be art students conspicuously case the offices and homes of Federal law enforcement officials and U.S. military bases prior to 9/11?


  1. Why did an official of the Israeli company Odigo, Micha Macover, announce to the public that two employees of his company received a warning about the impending attacks of 9/11 two hours in advance?


  1. Why did an Israeli shipping company (Zim) announce to the public before 9/11 that it intended to move out of the World Trade Center to a new location?


  1. Why did the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel announce to the public on 12 September 2001, that it worries about 4,000 Israelis believed to be in or around the complex of the World Trader Center, when only few Israelis actually worked in the WTC?


  1. Why did Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly declare that the 9/11 attacks were very good for Israel?


  1. Why did Donald Rumsfeld hire Dov Zakheim in May 2001 and announce on September 10, 2001 the disappearance of 2.3 trillion dollars of Pentagon funds?


  1. Did General Ralph Eberhart, who was in charge of many of the military exercises (i.e. war games) that were going on that morning, act under Israeli orders?

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6588383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8402

TOP CLIMATOLOGIST: OUR MODELS CAN’T BE TRUSTED – Warming predictions not even close to reality


A leading climatologist is warning that nearly all of the computer simulations at the heart of the predictions of catastrophic, man-made global warming cannot be trusted with respect to a key measure.


At a meeting in the Palace of Westminster in London, Professor John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville told MPs and peers the climate models are way off in their predictions of rapid warming at high altitudes in the tropics.


“They all have rapid warming above 30,000 feet in the tropics – it’s effectively a diagnostic signal of greenhouse warming,” he said. “But in reality it’s just not happening. It’s warming up there, but at only about one third of the rate predicted by the models.”


Christy’s remarks were highlighted by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a non-partisan think tank in London. The group says that while it is “open-minded on the contested science of global warming,” it is “deeply concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies currently being advocated.”


Read a paper presenting Christy’s key findings


Christy said a similar discrepancy between empirical measurements and computer predictions has been confirmed at the global level.


“The global warming trend for the last 40 years, starting in 1979 when satellite measurements began, is +0.13C per decade or about half of what climate models predicted,” he said.


But Christy says climatologists aren’t paying attention to the real-world data.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.6588477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8519 >>8617 >>8678 >>8681 >>8788 >>8889

UK intelligence laundered Steele Dossier, delivered it to James Comey


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine how UK intelligence services were used to launder the Steele Dossier, and deliver it back to the US with their stamp of approval, paving the way for Buzzfeed to leak the document, and for then FBI Director James Comey to use the dossier to blackmail Trump in the Oval Office.


Not long ago, few Americans of the thinking persuasion might have imagined that such a well-engineered republic, with its exquisite checks and balances, sturdy institutions, and time-tested traditions would end up as so much smoldering goop in a national dumpster fire, but such is the sad state-of-the-union moving into the fateful summer of 2019. The castle of the permanent bureaucracy is about to be torched by an uprising of deplorable peasants led by a Golden Golem made furious by relentless litigation. It’s Game of Thrones meets the Thermidorian Reaction with a Weimar-flavored cherry on top — really one for the ages!


There’s perhaps a lot to dislike about Donald J. Trump, US President No. 45. Despite all the grooming and tailoring, there’s little savoir faire there. He tweets not like a mellifluous songbird, but in snorts like a rooting aardvark. His every predilection is an affront to the refined Washington establishment: his dark business history, his beloved ormolu trappings, his Mickey-D cheeseburgers, the mystifying hair-doo.


Even so, the bad faith of his antagonists exceeds even Mr. Trump’s defects and vices. The plot they concocted to get rid of him failed. And, yes, it was a plot, even a coup. And they fucked it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95. Now all that paper is about to fall over the District of Columbia like radioactive ash, turning many current and former denizens of rogue agencies into the walking dead as they embark on the dismal journey between the grand juries and the federal prisons.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.6588485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells Congress to Ignore UN’s Latest Extinction Warning


Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore will tell House lawmakers an alarming United Nations report on biodiversity is political activism masquerading as credible science, according to written testimony.


“It is clear that the highly exaggerated claims of the [U.N.] are not so much out of concern for endangered species as they are a front for a radical political, social, and economic ‘transformation’ of our entire civilization,” Moore will tell lawmakers Wednesday, according to written testimony The Daily Caller News Foundation obtained.


Moore is set to testify in front of the House Committee on Natural Resources, sitting alongside U.N. scientists who recently issued an alarming report warning that 1 million species were threatened with extinction.


“Their recommendation for an end to economic growth alone condemns the developing world to increased poverty and suffering, and economic stagnation in the developed countries,” Moore wrote.


Experts on the U.N.’s biodiversity panel, called the IPBES, will likely present a different picture than Moore. Sir Robert Watson, a British chemist who led the most recent IPBES assessment, called the report an “ominous warning.”


“The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever,” Watson said on the assessment’s release in early May.


The IPBES report generated apocalyptic media headlines. A CNN correspondent summarized the report as humans need to be “consuming less, polluting less and having fewer children.”


“This is not a new phenomenon,” Moore says. “The so-called Sixth Great Extinction has been predicted for decades. It has not come to pass, similar to virtually every doomsday prediction made in human history.”


Moore is skeptical of IPBES’s extinction warning, which is an extrapolation of data gathered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Moore put more weight behind the IUCN numbers.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6588522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8678 >>8788 >>8889

The Constitution Dictates That Impeachment Must Not Be Partisan


Barely two decades since the impeachment of Bill Clinton, the people of the United States again are confronting the possibility that their president, now Donald Trump, could be impeached, meaning charged by the House of Representatives with offenses that, if proved in a Senate trial, would remove him from office.


Not surprisingly, politics have pervaded the debate.


Many, perhaps most, assume that impeachment of a president should be, or inevitably will devolve into a political melee. The few historic examples that exist show political motivations – to varying degrees – in the impeachment proceedings against Presidents Johnson, Nixon and Clinton.


Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told The Washington Post in March that “impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path.”


House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is against impeaching the president. AP/J. Scott Applewhite


Most Democratic leaders don’t want impeachment, at least at this point, fearing a political backlash in 2020 if they pursue impeachment. Some believe that if impeached in the House and tried and acquitted by the Senate, Trump’s political popularity will skyrocket like Bill Clinton’s did after his impeachment in 1998.


Nonetheless, impeachment supporters in the House now number, according to The New York Times, “roughly two dozen.” House and Senate Democratic leaders are facing increased calls by a growing number of colleagues to begin formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump.


To date, only one Republican has joined the chorus, Michigan Rep. Justin Amash.


Other Republicans – supporters of President Trump – accuse Democrats of using impeachment to overturn the 2016 presidential election.


Politics now characterize the serious issue of whether Trump has obstructed justice and committed other offenses worthy of his removal from office.


As a scholar of law, I believe that under our Constitution, impeachment – or the decision not to impeach – must not be based on partisan considerations.

Anonymous ID: e353ee May 25, 2019, 3:09 p.m. No.6588717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8733

Where every Jewish Congress member stands on impeaching Donald Trump


Across the entire House Democratic caucus, there’s a chorus of progressives calling for impeachment, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so far urging caution


JTA — If the Jewish delegation in the US House of Representatives were to vote on opening impeachment proceedings today, President Donald Trump would probably be safe.


A tally by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency shows that only five of the 25 Jewish House Democrats support launching an impeachment inquiry at this point. Nine are on the record against impeachment (at least for now) and eight appear to be on the fence. Three — one veteran Congress member and two freshmen — have somehow managed to keep mum.


It’s safe to say that the two Jewish Republicans — Lee Zeldin of New York and David Kustoff of Tennessee — do not support impeachment. Zeldin called the Mueller report into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign and how it intersected with the Trump campaign a “witch hunt.” Kustoff said Democrats “can finally move on” following the report’s release.


Across the entire House Democratic caucus, and among some presidential candidates, there’s a chorus of progressives calling for impeachment. They say the Mueller report, which probed 10 episodes of possible obstruction of justice by the president without reaching a judgment, plus the administration’s defiance of subpoenas make impeachment the best way to investigate alleged misdeeds by the administration.


But Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so far urging caution, pointing to the other investigative tools Congress has at its disposal as well as the near certainty that the Republican-controlled Senate would vote to acquit Trump.


Here’s what every Jewish Democrat in the House of Representatives has to say (or not say) about impeaching Trump:


Yes on impeachment:

