Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 4:01 p.m. No.6589028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058

Facebook Bans CrossFit Group For Advocating Low-Carb, High-Fat Diets


As conservatives warn of the dangers of Silicon Valley's left-wing monopoly on political speech, one fitness and self-improvement company has jumped into the fray to discuss free speech on social media.


Crossfit, the high-intensity gym program, released a statement this past Thursday slamming Facebook for the unexplained removal of its content as well the company's lack of self-responsibility as the "de facto authority over the public square, arbitrating a worldwide exchange of information as well as overseeing the security of the individuals and communities who entrust their ideas, work, and private data to this platform."

Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.6589074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9077 >>9142

The Western media “death cult” is dragging us into the abyss of perpetual war


By any reckoning, the claim made this week by al-Qaeda-linked fighters that they were targeted with chemical weapons by the Syrian government in Idlib province – their final holdout in Syria – should have been treated by the western media with a high degree of scepticism.


That the US and other western governments enthusiastically picked up those claims should not have made them any more credible.


Scepticism was all the more warranted from the media given that no physical evidence has yet been produced to corroborate the jihadists’ claims. And the media should have been warier still given that the Syrian government was already poised to defeat these al-Qaeda groups without resort to chemical weapons – and without provoking the predictable ire (yet again) of the west.


But most of all scepticism was required because these latest claims arrive just as we have learnt that the last supposed major chemical attack – which took place in April 2018 and was, as ever, blamed by all western sources on Syria’s president, Bashar Assad – was very possibly staged, a false-flag operation by those very al-Qaeda groups now claiming the Syrian government has attacked them once again.


Addicted to incompetence


Most astounding in this week’s coverage of the claims made by al-Qaeda groups is the fact that the western media continues to refuse to learn any lessons, develop any critical distance from the sources it relies on, even as those sources are shown to have repeatedly deceived it.


This was true after the failure to find WMD in Iraq, and it is now even more true after the the international community’s monitoring body on chemical weapons, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), was exposed this month as deeply dishonest.


It is bad enough that our governments and our expert institutions deceive and lie to us. But it is even worse that we have a corporate media addicted – at the most charitable interpretation – to its own incompetence. The evidence demonstrating that grows stronger by the day.


Unprovoked attack


In March the OPCW produced a report into a chemical weapons attack the Syrian government allegedly carried out in Douma in April last year. Several dozen civilians, many of them children, died apparently as a result of that attack.



Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.6589077   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The corporate media is actively colluding both in the original deception perpetrated by al-Qaeda groups and the western powers, and in the subsequent dishonesty of the OPCW. They have worked together to deceive western publics.


The question is, why are the media so obviously incompetent? Why are they so eager to keep themselves and their readers in the dark? Why are they so willing to advance credulous narratives on behalf of western governments that have been repeatedly shown to have lied to them?


Iran the real target


The reason is that the corporate media are not what they claim. They are not a watchdog on power, or a fourth estate.


The media are actually the public relations wing of a handful of giant corporations – and states – that are pursuing two key goals in the Middle East.


First, they want to control its oil. Helping al-Qaeda in Syria – including in its propaganda war – against the Assad government serves a broader western agenda. The US and NATO bloc are ultimately gunning for the leadership of Iran, the one major oil producer in the region not under the US imperial thumb.


Powerful Shia groups in the region – Assad in Syria, Hizbullah in Lebanon, and Iraqi leaders elevated by our invasion of that country in 2003 – are allies or potential allies of Iran. If they are in play, the US empire’s room for manoeuvre in taking on Iran is limited. Remove these smaller players and Iran stands isolated and vulnerable.


That is why Russia stepped in several years ago to save Assad, in a bid to stop the dominoes falling and the US engineering a third world war centred on the Middle East.


Second, with the Middle East awash with oil money, western corporations have a chance to sell more of the lucrative weapons that get used in overt and covert wars like the one raging in Syria for the past eight years.


What better profit-generator for these corporations than wasteful and pointless wars against manufactured bogeymen like Assad?



Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 4:16 p.m. No.6589092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sky News Collaborates with Idlib Terrorists to Create Syria War Propaganda


On Thursday night Sky News released a story entitled “Sky News witnesses horrors of Syria’s last rebel outpost”, in which journalist Alex Crawford claims to have been targeted by a Russian tank shelling whilst reporting in Syria’s Idlib province.


The story made headlines and featured in news bulletins across the UK and even the wider world. The problem however, was that the romantic TV drama type report falls flat, as the shameless war propaganda it is, when held up to basic scrutiny and common sense. Watch:


To the average viewer of their content, the video may indeed paint Sky’s Alex Crawford as a brave intrepid journalist, battling to deliver the truth about the evil Assad regime, but to those who have any knowledge of the Syrian war, she not only gives enough rope to hang herself with, but perhaps her entire crew.


Let’s begin with talking about just how incredibly ridiculous and propagandist this piece is, using some of Crawford’s own admissions.


Firstly, Crawford admits to being present and inside the de-militarization zone, between the last “rebel” strong hold and the Syrian government. This area was decided upon to become a designated de-escalation zone following the Septemeber 2018 Turkey-Russia brokered ceasefire agreement. Crawford claims that the zone is being constantly violated, which is evidently true, although her being present there in the company of al-Qaeda affiliated militants, battle tanks and well known puppets of extremist propaganda outlets, paints the wrong picture if she was wishing to demonize the Syrian government and its allies.


Secondly, Alex Crawford also admits that all civilians had left the area, indicating what? That she is surrounded by militants, which are evidently the only targets in the area to hit, other than her crew or perhaps others who came with a similar purpose. Not only is this the case, but they decided to enter the area during an armed clash between the two sides, beginning her package with video of a tank that had been terminated by Syrian/Syrian allied forces.


Thirdly, she is in Idlib on the side of the militants during wartime, meaning that she evidently entered Syria illegally and that neither the Syrian government or the Russian forces would have any idea that she is a Western journalist working for Sky News. It is well known, to observers of the Syrian war, that almost all of the terrorist or ‘rebel’ groups have their own propaganda agencies, which consist of several activists and journalists, who also act as part-time combatants and belong to the terrorist organizations.


Then we have her conversation with a well known terrorist propaganda figure, Bilal Abdul Kareem, who has appeared all over Syria with a number of al-Qaeda linked groups, he also interesting felt comfortable introducing al-Nusra fighters wearing suicide vests on camera to his online audience.

Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.6589148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9170 >>9372 >>9462 >>9577 >>9635

Deep State Has Left ‘Paper Trail As Wide As Interstate-95’ Which Will ‘Fall All Over DC Like Radioactive Ash’


News of Trump’s order to declassify all documents relating to the targeting of his presidential campaign by members of the Obama administration intelligence community has reverberated throughout Washington and beyond since Thursday night. The same Democrats who are demanding that Trump release his business records and tax returns because he “may have” broken the law are panicking over this directive. Rep. Adam Schiff, who has built his reputation on his hatred for Donald Trump, tells reporters it’s “un-American” and of course, he’s worried about revealing “sources and methods.”


For nearly three years, Democrats and the media have persecuted this President, yet they’ve never been able to point to a particular crime. They’ve called for his impeachment, yet offer no specifics. Up until now, general accusations have worked very well for them.


The always colorful social critic and blogger James Howard Kunstler reacted to Trump’s declassification directive in his signature fashion:


Not long ago, few Americans of the thinking persuasion might have imagined that such a well-engineered republic, with its exquisite checks and balances, sturdy institutions, and time-tested traditions would end up as so much smoldering goop in a national dumpster fire, but such is the sad state-of-the-union moving into the fateful summer of 2019. The castle of the permanent bureaucracy is about to be torched by an uprising of deplorable peasants led by a Golden Golem made furious by relentless litigation. It’s Game of Thrones meets the Thermidorian Reaction with a Weimar-flavored cherry on top — really one for the ages!…


The plot they concocted to get rid of him failed. And, yes, it was a plot, even a coup. And they f***ed it up magnificently, leaving a paper trail as wide as Interstate-95. Now all that paper is about to fall over the District of Columbia like radioactive ash, turning many current and former denizens of rogue agencies into the walking dead as they embark on the dismal journey between the grand juries and the federal prisons.


Hence, the desperate rage of the impeachment faction, in direct proportion to their secret shameful knowledge that the entire RussiaGate melodrama was, in fact, a seditious subterfuge between the Hillary Clinton campaign and a great many key figures in government up-to-and-including former president Barack Obama, who could not have failed to be clued-in on all the action. Even before the declassification order, the true narrative of events has been plainly understood: that the US Intel “community” trafficked in fictitious malarkey supplied by Mrs. Clinton to illegally “meddle” in the 2016 election. (Read the entire op-ed here.)

Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 4:53 p.m. No.6589302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump’s Lawyers Come to an Agreement With House Committees to Hold Off on Subpoenas: Report


President Donald Trump’s attorneys have reached a deal with House committees to delay the enforcement of subpoenas that are seeking his financial records from two banks, according to a report.


A source familiar with the agreement told CNN that the lawyers had struck the deal with the House Intelligence and Financial Services committees on May 25, which allows for an expedited appeal schedule.


According to the news broadcaster, a similar agreement was reached with the House Oversight committee earlier this week.


On May 22, District Judge Edgardo Ramos, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, refused to block the subpoenas on the two banks that require them to hand to Congress banking and financial records, including “records of every single checking withdrawal, credit-card swipe, or debit-card purchase—no matter how trivial or small—made by each and every member of the Trump family,” a lawsuit filed by the Trump family stated.


The lawsuit was filed at the end of April to block the two banks from complying with the subpoenas. Trump’s lawyers argued that the Democrat-controlled House committees’ demands for records have no legitimate or lawful purpose and are so broad they would include transaction records on the Trump family’s personal shopping.


Following Ramos’s ruling, Trump’s lawyers filed an appeal on May 24 with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf Trump, his children—Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump—and several of their companies to overturn the federal judge’s ruling (pdf).


Additionally, a court document (pdf) filed in the case on May 25 read, “the parties have reached an agreement regarding compliance with and enforcement of the subpoenas during the pendency of Plaintiffs’ appeal,” likely referring to this agreement.

Anonymous ID: 08594a May 25, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.6589546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US City of Baltimore Under Attack by NSA Cyber Weapon


The cyber weapon was developed by the US tech spying agency to break into foreign computers, but now the US itself is under attack by the malware, and tech experts say it’s the handiwork of the NSA.


Guess which list unites North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, Israel and the United States? These are all the nations that have not signed the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace — Emmanuel's Macron's effort to stop cyber-attacks in peacetime.


The US's National Security Agency (NSA), often portrayed in the media as the most technologically advanced intelligence agency in the world, and routinely resorts to hacking and cyber-attacks in order to steal the information they need. To do so, tech geniuses on government payrolls write "tools" — malware programs designed specifically to strike at vulnerabilities found in operational systems, including the US-made Windows OS family.


And then these programs get leaked.


In 2017, an unidentified group of hackers named Shadow Brokers published EternalBlue — NSA-made very powerful program capable of taking control of computers run on the Windows operational system. Anonymous NSA operators, cited by The New York Times, say it took the agency a year to find a flaw in Microsoft security to build the malware upon. Needless to say, once the flaw was discovered, NSA did not go out of its way to inform the software giant about it. In fact, it was only after the malware was published online that they contacted Microsoft and told them about the vulnerability.


Now the NSA-written malware is rampaging Baltimore, Maryland. The exact geography of the affected computers is undisclosed as Microsoft is trying to keep the lid on the outbreak, but it is likely that other cities were affected as well, the Times report says.


The malware is capable of paralyzing hospitals, airports, rail and shipping operators, ATMs and factories. Local US governments that use aged software and hardware are particularly vulnerable to EternalBlue attacks, according to the Times.


On 7 May, Baltimore city workers were hit with a classic ransomware attack. The malicious software locked the workers out of their computers and displayed a message written in remarkably poor English.


"We're watching you for days and we've worked on your systems to gain full access to your company and bypass all of your protections," the note on the screen warned against calling the FBI and demanded $100,000 in Bitcoin as ransom.


"We won't talk more, all we know is MONEY!" the note said. "Hurry up! Tik Tak, Tik Tak, Tik Tak!"