Anonymous ID: 32cbaf May 25, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6589309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A baguette of thought…


My take on the Russian collusion hoax is that it was the Dem's and DOJ/Intel with help from allies that tried to frame Trump BUT it was all done with the intent to make Russia look bad BECAUSE the Dem's (and the Chinese) wanted the Chinese to look better in comparison to Russia THUS they could continue to enjoy the trading priveleges (and kickbacks) everyone seemed to be enjoying UNTIL Trump came along and he sniffed it all out.

He's going after China really hard for a reason.


Short version: The Dems and intel allies tried to play Russia off against Trump so that China could come out on top.


Trump figured this out and initially embraced China (the true enemy) close and then he went after NK (China's tool) hard with threats of overwhelming force.


Go one step further: Trump famously and nonchalantly launched 57 cruise missiles into Syria while eating a 2nd helping of ice cream during his dinner with Xi. Message sent?


This entire trade war imho is part and parcel of something bigger then just trade and with the amount of illicit deals from China that Biden, Feinstein etc that other pols have profited from it seems to me that there's a HUGE China angle behind this where the Dems tried really hard (and sloppily) to frame and weaken Russia while simultaneously weakening and overthrowing the Trump's administration and disrupting our govt and society.


Who would benefit most from that scenario?


Select Dem's and the Chinese. The Chinese didn't need to meddle in our politics when they already bought the Dem's to do it for them while blaming Russia, their supposedly close ally.


Trump realizes this and so might Russia. Trinagular relationships rarely work out when betrayal is already part of the equation.


China and the Dem's misplayed their hand big time when she lost. Thank God!!!