Anonymous ID: 671ff7 May 25, 2019, 5:48 p.m. No.6589563   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9612

Anons, I believe you are now very connected with God. Perhaps the very reason you've been chosen is that you are in tune with His frequency and you can see many truths as a result, while everyone around you remains asleep under Satan's spell.


So listen to God's warnings when you get them. I'm not saying do anything hasty or unwarranted or unsafe, but LISTEN and make a wiser decision on how to act using the inspirations God has sent your way.


Recently I didn't properly take heed of a warning I received and I think it might have cost me a lot of money. It's only money, which is nothing compared to the ultimate sacrifice, but money is also what enables Patriots to eat, protect ourselves and fight.


With that in mind, I'm not going to ignore this warning this time. If you're in the cryptocurrency space, you probably rely on YouTube for a lot of your news. BE WARNED YouTube is being used to trick you and influence your decisions. So when I saw THIS SYMBOL in Bo Polny's latest video, I realized he's probably part of the Cabal too.


Bo Polny claims to be a deeply religious man, and I believed him, as he preaches about an amazing time coming when precious metals and cryptocurrency are used to re-distribute wealth from the Cabal to the ordinary people of the world. He's very convincing, and I still think this part of his "sermon" is probably true. But having seen this symbol on his latest video, I believe he's also another [influencer] determined to deceive us.


This "infinity" symbol is definitely a Satanic symbol. As is the "heart" too, by the way, but definitely the infinity symbol. I know 8 chan itself appears to use the symbol but I believe it's a way for Q to mock the Cabal, and notice that the 8 chan symbol doesn't create a continuous loop โ€“ it's BROKEN.


Take this symbol on Bo's latest video together with his calls for a devastating stock market crash, and I think I have enough of a warning to stop listening to him and think for myself instead. The Cabal's "financial advisors" are all calling for this stock market crash because [THEY] want a stock market crash. They want you to be scared and to run into [their] arms for safety. Maybe some serious financial turmoil is coming, but unlike Bo Polny I believe The Plan has already taken this into account and the People are protected and will be sufficiently restored so that they have true freedom and will not starve, even while we might experience some financial setbacks. I'd rather have freedom and cures and peace than a Lambo and slavery and disease.


I also think Trump tells us that the Dow is safe for a reason. We are in good hands, so this is another reason why I've started to doubt Bo Polny.


Maybe Bo's financial forecasts will continue to be very correct (for a while). But if he's working for the Cabal โ€“ and I think he is now โ€“ then eventually he will lead you astray.


This is how I'm interpreting this warning. Listen to your own warnings. Stay strong and Trust the Plan. God wins.

Anonymous ID: 671ff7 May 25, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.6589646   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



I think we can do that, yes.


But if we do it too much, it might get confusing. We have OUR symbols (KEK!) and [they] have theirs.


The Satanists continue to use symbols to signal to each other though. Learn the symbols, and we have suddenly have amazing x-ray vision glasses to see through [their] deceptions.