Anonymous ID: bb9640 May 25, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6589243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding Q's last post, "Why did POTUS circumvent DNI Coats (normal protocol for DECLAS) and give AUTH directly to AG Barr?"…


I think we can assume that if Trump wanted Coats gone, he would have already been fired (since that is what has occurred in other IC agencies). Perhaps Coats is either Hop #1 or Hop #2 in a currently active FISA. Maybe he is communicating with Comey/Brennan/other bad actors and reeling in even more evidence. With Coats out of the loop for Declass, so he isn't actively participating in it, his cover can then remain, while giving the appearance that he is not in support of it.