Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.6589750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no matter what the weather is the message out of California official-dumb is

'crisis crisis crisis send federal dollars'


let the river flow!

you could have a wonder Venice like Central Valley if you would only stop the politicians from profiteering off of the water!

why are there scores of different districts each with their own allotment?

how are property values proped up in some regions, and allowed to collapse in others?

why do some people, politically connected, seem to be exempt from water bans?


no matter what: it's too dry

it's too wet.


it's the weather.

no matter what the weather, the Sacromentos sadsaps will be like

"crisis crisis crisis

send federal dollars"

Californians are finally figuring it out.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.6589809   🗄️.is 🔗kun



crisis crisis crisis

send federal dollars


maybe the water can go up high enough to flood out the opportunists who managed to get 'shore front' by being politically connected?

that's means spirited of me to think like that, I don't really want that to happen.


the only crisis in California, for real, is the governance.

OK, that's unfair. People being burned out is also a crisis.


As far as the water goes: let the rivers flow.

open up ye gates and slooses.

Let loose the flow!


PS if it's runs in a straight line on a concrete bed it's a 'spill way' not a river.


Spillways are very bad because the don't allow for any of the water to fill acquafiers.


but if that happened the corrupt water authoritaes would have less power.


'oh no, the lake is high. My lake front cottage is close to the shoreline'


boo hoo hoo.


seriously you guys have a problem: it's in Sacremento.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.6589876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9884 >>9907


Rolling Thunder is a Motorcycle enthusiasts ride through that happens in DC every Memorial Day.

If you think there is a double meaning, fine.

I don't see it. The president is clear about what he is talking about: permitting issues in DC becoming politicized by the local politicians in DC.


Explain how it's about 'The Storm' other than you just wish it was?


Plus, the phrase is "The Storm is Upon Us", correct?


He did not say that. and he is not in Air Force One right now either.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.6589921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9946



sometimes a straight forward interpretation is the better one to choose.

pick what you want, think for yourself.


Yes, 20,000 motorcycles throttling through the streets of DC would be something that everyone would know about.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6589944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9964


permitting has become political.

Mr. Trump thinks that DC should be more accommodating for the bikers.

My read on that is: Mr. Trump would like this to NOT be the last year for it.

and that honoring Veterans on Memorial Day should not ever have a 'last year for it'.


my read, my take on it.

Think for yourself.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.6590012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0052 >>0078


they are so obvious trying to make us look foolish by saying the storm is here because the president reference the ride.


And insistent and with verification shills, as if I'm a newbie and can't see through it.

and want it in Notables!


guys we see what you are doing and you are just making yourselves look like fools, like fools I say!


thanks for backing me up! they kept hammering me with 'no it's about the Storm'

No it is not.

It's about the Motorcycle event with that name!

It's a very big deal in DC everyyear and hopefully this is not the last year that they do it.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 7:14 p.m. No.6590047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0061 >>0068


you guys are a shill team trying to start a fight with me about your stupid conflation with the president's tweet about DC politics and a motorcycle rally with 'The Storm'


it's obvious and you are doing it willfully and with the intent, it seems, of making us feel foolish here. You are shills in my estimation:

71bf7b another verification shill.


0095bc : Rolling Thunder is NOT a reference ot the storm: you are a verification shill.

869412 : tell me to lurk moar: get a grip


it's probably the same person ip hopping with different devices.


is it fun to be this much of a pest?

what is your purpose other than to try and make us look like fools?


You are a bit to persistent and obvious for this to not be a shill attempt to make us look like fools.

Anonymous ID: 7cae8b May 25, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.6590414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0427

There is a play ground near sunset boulevard.

We all meet there and they will hand out sim cards, first come first serve.

by the slide . . .




but seriously, who knows. We have a key . . . so someone will say 'here is a link' and others will use the key on what they find, and then they will flood the Internet with it.


key as given by another anon from Issac's twitter july of last year