what you have been seeing across the country for the last 18 months is the anti-dote chemtrailing imo. the material is of a different nature, lighter, finer than pre-DJT days.
a cocktail tailored to counteract / render inert the cocktail sprayed over us all and now in trees, masonry, pastures, live-stock…us.
water is necessary to leech out much of what has been sprayed, as well as activating specific nano-tech sprayed as part of the antidote.
in central mass we are looking at doubling our average rainfall for april and may
may it continue
they are still chemtrailing us, but not as heavily nor as regularly, as a year ago, but they are making it rain I am SURE of that having observed them every time the do their work…and the local TV weather people…they know…they have to know their forecasting is fake n gay…because it is.
Thursday from 1430-1600 they were dumping material that formed into dark mushrooms, and they were clearly being hit by HAARP as well.
It is a common sight to see them chemtrailing and the haarp effect causes the clouds to appear like the sand when the waves have receded, very pretty effect
Chem-trailing may also be useful for immunization or parasite or disease countermeasures.
I hope when they are close to disclosure (I suppose when their field tests show conditions are pre-1999) they'll start chemtrailing something inert and colored just to see if the public will finally look up