Anonymous ID: b85f8e May 25, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.6589897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9917 >>0002 >>0139 >>0243 >>0377

Children in Social Services System Most at Risk of Being Sex Trafficked


Part 1


Among children reported as likely victims of child sex trafficking upon running away from home, most have one thing in common—they were supposed to be looked after by the government.


In 2014, some 10,000 endangered runaway children were reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), a nonprofit that serves as a clearinghouse for reports on missing children. Nearly 1,700 of them were likely victims of sex trafficking and of those, 68 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing, be it a group home, a government facility, or foster care.


While these sobering statistics have been reported for years by the NCMEC, more recent data suggests that the problem is even more acute.


In 2017, nearly 25,000 runaways reported to NCMEC and nearly 3,600 were likely victims of sex trafficking. Of those, 88 percent came from the social services system.


In fact, children in the social services system are the group with the highest prevalence of child sex trafficking, said Robert Lowery, NCMEC’s vice president who heads its missing children division.


The real scope of the problem almost certainly goes beyond NCMEC’s data. The FBI reported over 420,000 missing children in 2018, while Lowery said the actual number of missing children could be as high as 1.3 million a year.


While most of the missing children are found, return on their own, or weren’t missing to begin with, there still appears to be a strong link between child sex trafficking and the social services system.


In 2013, 60 percent of child sex trafficking victims recovered as part of an FBI raid in 70 cities had “some familiarity with or involvement with either group homes or the foster care system,” said NPR justice correspondent Carrie Johnson in 2013.


In 2012, Connecticut Department of Children and Families reported (pdf) that of 88 child victims of sex trafficking it identified, 86 had been “involved with child welfare services in some manner,” many of whom were “victimized while in foster care or residential placement.”


The question follows, why?


See Part 2

Anonymous ID: b85f8e May 25, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.6589917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0002 >>0139 >>0243 >>0377



Part 2


Children in Social Services System Most at Risk of Being Sex Trafficked


Stripped of Family


Over 440,000 children were in the social services system as of September 2017. Only in a minority of cases were the reasons for removing the children from their families grim circumstances, such as physical abuse (12 percent), parent incarceration (7 percent), or a parent’s death (1 percent). The most common reasons for the removals were neglect (62 percent) and drug abuse by one or both parents (36 percent).


Parental drug abuse can be as simple as failing a single voluntary drug test. Neglect can mean as little as missing homeschooling paperwork, or even letting a child eat sweets before dinner.


While Lowery stressed that social workers are trying to do a “thankless job” as best they can, they have considerable power to have a child removed from his or her family based on minimal evidence. While the system differs from state to state, a social worker generally only needs to write an affidavit alleging neglect and, with no further evidence, obtain a removal order from a family court judge.


There have been cases where workers have fabricated evidence, twisted facts, or were even engaged in trafficking the children they were supposed to protect.


Once the child is in the system, it can be exceedingly difficult for the parents to get their child back.


Sometimes, social workers would form an impression of the family early on and “try to fit the evidence” to that impression, said Kevin Hickey, an Arkansas attorney with experience in foster system cases, in 2017. “So if they don’t like you or they think you’re a bad parent, you’re in for a long haul.”


As The Epoch Times previously reported, the system appears set up to incentivize workers to remove children, not necessarily to help families rehabilitate.


Hard to Come Back


It’s not hard to see that children in these situations, whether victimized by parents or the social services system itself, could be vulnerable to pimps eager to give them a false sense of belonging.


The My Life, My Choice Project based in Boston found that of the first 40 girls they worked with who were living in group homes within the foster care system, 38 had been approached by a pimp for recruitment, according to the 2009 National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: America’s Prostituted Children (pdf).


“What we have learned is overwhelmingly, while these kids may leave home voluntarily, while they may be runaways or any one of a variety or variations on that theme; they are seduced, they are tricked, they are lured into this practice and then they lose the ability to walk away,” said Ernie Allen, NCMEC president and chief executive, as quoted in the report. “These kids literally become 21st-century slaves.”


Pimps are especially skilled at developing dependency in their victims, bit by bit offering attention, care, and material rewards while isolating their victims from any other supports such as family, friends, and community. Once the victims are materially and emotionally dependent on them, they can withhold rewards or mete out punishment for disobedience.


Their main targets are children aged 12-14.


“It’s scary sad when a 14-year-old girl is walking down that street hand in hand with her captor and thinking, ‘This is normal, this is what 14-year-old girls do. I’ve been doing this since I was 12 years old,’” said Inspector Jim Klein, Commanding Officer of the NYPD Crime Prevention Bureau in a previous interview, commenting on an actual case the department handled.


The girl, from South Carolina, was tracked by her family to New York, where the NYPD found her and returned her.


“You want to hear the frustrating part about it? Right after that, she runs away again and she’s back in NYC,” Klein said. The NYPD caught her again, but this is a recurring phenomenon.


“When law enforcement takes these kids back home, many times these kids walk right back out the door on their own and right back into the clutches of these offenders,” said Lowery, who has a law enforcement background himself.


“We’re good at finding them. But, I tell you, the challenge is keeping them. … The frustration that we face is how we keep those children in a safe place?”


One thing that may help is investing some of the social service’s dollars into rehabilitating the families these children have been removed from or ran away from to begin with.


The Family First Prevention Services Act, which was included by Republicans in the 2018 budget, enables just that—to use the foster system’s funding on services that help prevent a child’s removal from their family and help families stay together.

Anonymous ID: b85f8e May 25, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.6589934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0302

=Federal Investigations Begin Into San Antonio & Buffalo Airport Bans on Chick-fil-A


In light of complaints they’ve received about the banning of the Chick-fil-A fast food restaurant chain from airport locations in San Antonio and Buffalo, the Federal Aviation Administration said Friday that it would be launching investigations.


Fox News reports:


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating two airports — San Antonio International and Buffalo Niagara International — over religious discrimination complaints, following the exclusion of Chick-fil-a from the premises, Fox News confirmed on Friday.


“The Department of Transportation has received complaints alleging discrimination by two airport operators against a private company due to the expression of the owner’s religious beliefs,” the agency said in a statement provided to Fox News.


According to the agency, federally funded airports cannot discriminate on the basis of religion. “The FAA notes that federal requirements prohibit airport operators from excluding persons on the basis of religious creed from participating in airport activities that receive or benefit from FAA grant funding,” it said.


In late March, the San Antonio city council voted to effectively ban the restaurant from their airport for seven years after a report from the liberal website Think Progress was released detailing Chick-fil-A’s 2017 charitable contributions.


Two weeks later, a Democrat state lawmaker in New York apparently used his influence to get the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority to nix plans to include the restaurant in an upcoming Buffalo Niagara International Airport project.


In response to the San Antonio move, Texas Attorney General (R) Ken Paxton ordered his office to investigate the actions of the city council. In the letter he sent to San Antonio’s mayor and city council members, Paxton copied U.S. Dept. of Transportation Sec. Elaine Chao.


Earlier this week, the Texas state legislature passed a “save Chick-fil-A” bill that Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is expected to sign.


In response to the FAA’s move, San Antonio’s city attorney says they are reviewing their options:


The San Antonio International Airport receives millions of dollars in grants from the federal government. Future funds could be threatened if the probe finds that the City Council discriminated against Chick-fil-A’s owners based on religion.


City Attorney Andy Segovia said his office received the notice Friday and would need time to review it “to determine our course of action.”


Stay tuned.

Anonymous ID: b85f8e May 25, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.6590098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0139 >>0243 >>0377

Defense contractor the Pentagon accused of 'gouging our taxpayers' repays $16M


A defense contractor accused of overcharging the Pentagon for mission-critical parts has agreed to repay the government $16 million after its executives were grilled by Congress last week.


TransDigm Group cut several checks to the Pentagon on Thursday as part of a repayment agreement after the company's high profit margins selling aviation parts to the military became public. TransDigm executives faced bipartisan backlash for their business practices last week during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.


"Today’s decision by TransDigm to refund millions of dollars in blatant overcharges would not have happened without the hearing in the Oversight Committee last week," said committee chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Ga., in a statement Friday. "This is solid, bread-and-butter oversight that helps our troops and the American taxpayers. We saved more money today for the American people than our Committee’s entire budget for the year."


A Pentagon inspector general review of some of the parts TransDigm sold to the government found the company was raking in excess profits ranging from 17% to 4,451%. Many of the parts were required for essential military aircraft, meaning Pentagon contracting officers had no choice but to purchase them, even though they knew the prices were exorbitant.


Assistant secretary of defense for acquisition Kevin Fahey told the committee that TransDigm was "gouging the taxpayers with their sickening business practices." Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., who helped lead the investigation into TransDigm, wondered why the company had not paid back the $16 million suggested by the inspector general.


"The company is worth $1.2 billion, why not just pay back $16 million?" Khanna asked TransDigm executives during the hearing.


"We're still evaluating that," said Nicholas Howley, the company's executive chairman and founder. He expressed concern that paying back the money would imply TransDigm did something wrong or illegal. The Pentagon found that TransDigm's actions were legal, though perhaps unethical.


Holding TransDigm to account was "a good first step," Cummings said, but he added "we must do even more in the future to prevent unscrupulous contractors from holding us hostage through abusive monopoly contracts."

Anonymous ID: b85f8e May 25, 2019, 7:45 p.m. No.6590201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump’s Lawyers Come to Agreement With House Committees to Hold Off on Subpoenas: Report


President Donald Trump’s attorneys have reached a deal with House committees to delay the enforcement of subpoenas that are seeking his financial records from two banks, according to a report.


A source familiar with the agreement told CNN that the lawyers had struck the deal with the House Intelligence and Financial Services committees on May 25, which allows for an expedited appeal schedule.


According to the news broadcaster, a similar agreement was reached with the House Oversight committee earlier this week.


On May 22, District Judge Edgardo Ramos, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, refused to block the subpoenas on the two banks that require them to hand to Congress banking and financial records, including “records of every single checking withdrawal, credit-card swipe, or debit-card purchase—no matter how trivial or small—made by each and every member of the Trump family,” a lawsuit filed by the Trump family stated.


The lawsuit was filed at the end of April to block the two banks from complying with the subpoenas. Trump’s lawyers argued that the Democrat-controlled House committees’ demands for records have no legitimate or lawful purpose and are so broad they would include transaction records on the Trump family’s personal shopping.


Following Ramos’s ruling, Trump’s lawyers filed an appeal on May 24 with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Trump, his children—Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump—and several of their companies to overturn the federal judge’s ruling (pdf).


Additionally, a court document (pdf) filed in the case on May 25 read, “the parties have reached an agreement regarding compliance with and enforcement of the subpoenas during the pendency of Plaintiffs’ appeal,” likely referring to this agreement.


The court document filed requests a stay on the subpoenas while the appeal filed on May 24 is pending.


The House committees’ subpoenas for Trump’s bank records is one of the three investigations launched by key House committees in April. The other probes are seeking the president’s tax returns and the full declassification of the partially redacted Mueller report. So far, the number of inquiries led by House Democrats has grown to 10.


These Democrat-led probes could be seen as an attempt to impede Trump’s work. The Democrats began their investigations on the president after gaining control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm election. They increased the number of probes after special counsel Robert Mueller concluded that Trump had not colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.


In response, Trump previously said that he plans to fight “all the subpoenas” by House Democrats.